From Al’s Spaceship: Our Brains are Too Puny to Fully Understand the Scale of the Universe
Written by Liam Sweeny on April 29, 2022
Well, not Al’s brain, but he doesn’t hold us against it.
“As an astrophysicist, I am always struck by the fact that even the wildest science-fiction stories tend to be distinctly human in character. No matter how exotic the locale or how unusual the scientific concepts, most science fiction ends up being about quintessentially human (or human-like) interactions, problems, foibles and challenges. This is what we respond to; it is what we can best understand. In practice, this means that most science fiction takes place in relatively relatable settings, on a planet or spacecraft. The real challenge is to tie the story to human emotions, and human sizes and timescales, while still capturing the enormous scales of the Universe itself.
Just how large the Universe actually is never fails to boggle the mind.”