Author: Deb Cavanaugh

Page: 5

After having hitchhiked across the northern part of the United States, we were so relieved when we finally made it to California.  For one thing, we were no longer standing outside in the bitter cold wind and snowstorms.  As soon as we got out of the car in Sacramento, Paul took his heavy coat on […]

On New Year’s Day, after a wild night of reveling and saying goodbye to our friends and enemies, my boyfriend at the time, Paul Cavanaugh and I left for our hitchhiking adventure.  After a series of adventures along the way, we found ourselves standing outside of a truck stop in Big Springs, Nebraska trying to […]

This is a continuation of the story of my awakening and more.  Although I was born into a conservative Republican family that was equally oppressive and educational, I was always a rebel at heart, pushing the limits and finding my own voice.  This is how I finally broke free.  If you want to start at […]

A few years ago, I decided to try to chronicle my hippie past. Of course, that past keeps growing as I age, so now I’m sifting through a lot of decades. Since I started, I’ve shared stories or thoughts randomly. Because I will now be sharing these posts on another blog, I’ve decided to start […]

A few years ago, I decided to try to chronicle my hippie past.  Of course, that past keeps growing as I age, so now I’m sifting through a lot of decades.  Since I started, I’ve shared stories or thoughts randomly.  Because I will now be sharing these posts here, I think it may be a […]


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