Freedom Stratton – Interview – Thanks for Asking

By on February 19, 2024

Freedom Stratton – Interview – Thanks for Asking – by Liam Sweeny.

We connected with Freedom Stratton for the latest word.

RRX: We let it out differently when we play music. The happy, sad, good and back; it can all be put out musically. Overall, do you feel better when you sing about the better times, or the worser times? Is there a difference you can describe?

FS: I definitely love making songs about the better times but some of my best music is made when I’m  having some of my  worst days  but I do enjoy listening to both products when there done  both just versions of who I am as an artist

RRX: What would you like fans to know before they come to see you play? (No basic stuff; get specific.)

FS: I honestly don’t know what I would want them to know  I would really want them to come enjoy themselves and appreciate the music that I’m performing  I mean I would want them to know I have a wonderful girlfriend at home and a 5year old daughter  that push me to be the best artist I can be everyday

RRX: Cover art is cool. It shows listeners what the artist thinks the album is all about. Because music can be felt visually. If you had to give the public a visual image that you think they would see and just “get” you right away, what would it be?

FS: I would say me sitting on the beach with a gutair in my hand and a big tide coming my way could be a way to describe me and my music

RRX: Artists, musicians, we immortalize. We set it in stone. Is there anyone who has passed that you feel you have immortalized in your work? If so, can you tell us a little about them.”

FS: I don’t think I have people I immortalize but most of my music is about love hardwork and grinding all things I’m currently battling

RRX: With services like Spotify, streaming revenue can be pretty dismal. Without spilling secrets, do you have a promotional mindset or philosophy?

FS: So I have lots of different ways to promote and currently I’ve been working with a friend of mines named MBB Reczy he’s been helping me create better content for myself and to promote my music locally so I definitely have a promotional mindset

RRX: “The best laid plans of mice and men…” I don’t really know the quote, but I know this one; sh*t happens. When we least expect it, calamity befalls us. Sometimes just comic inconvenience. Please tell us a story about some comic inconvenience that happened to you whilst performing?

FS: Well something funny that happened to me while performing is I fell off stage the fans caught me and pushed me back onto the stage that’s was pretty funny when it happened lol

Thank you for the questions I Have a new single dropping late march called Rockstar Lifestyle by

Freedom stratton x Reczy



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