Silver Chain – Interview – Thanks for Asking!
By Liam Sweeny on April 12, 2024
Silver Chain – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny.
We connected with the Silver Chain Band. This is what they had to say.
RRX: Music genres are difficult for some artists. Some strictly adhere; others not so much. What is your perspective on the genre you play, or the genres you hover around?
SCB: Our big focus is on blues and on classic rock. Funny enough, our youngest guy in the band, Eric, is way more into the blues music while Marty is more into the classic rock stuff like AC/DC and ZZ Top.
RRX: We all get a little support from those around us. And we also can be impressed by our fellow performers. Who do you admire in your community, and why?
SCB: I have to give a shout out to two guys. First is Tommy Love who is pretty well known in the local music scene. He’s just super charismatic and has tons of stage presence. But a lesser known guy is Matty D out of Cohoes. Like Tommy, he’s got all the charisma you’d want in a frontman and if you don’t know his name yet, I guarantee you will soon.
RRX: Artists, musicians, we immortalize. We set it in stone. Is there anyone who has passed that you feel you have immortalized in your work? If so, can you tell us a little about them?”
SCB: Ernie Williams of Ernie Williams and the Wildcats was a huge inspiration to Eric that very much laid the groundwork for blues in the capital region. Marty came up in the music scene alongside Tom Healey of The Tom Healey Band and they learned a lot together.
RRX: What instrument would you add to the band if you could? Is there anything you are trying to do musically that would be helped with one or more additional players?
SCB: I love our sound exactly as it is, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I sometimes wish we had someone on keyboard. I think a keyboard could really fill in some gaps in a few of our songs and really round out some of our more classic rock leanings. If you’re reading this and you play, let’s talk!
RRX: What do you think is the most poorly understood thing about music, or the music you play?
SCB: Being in a band, playing music, it doesn’t come naturally. It takes a lot of time, a lot of devotion, a lot of dedication to get to a certain level of musicality. Fortunately, there are so many resources for young kids today to learn about and discover music that we didn’t have when we were kids. A young kid now can look up guitar tabs on youtube and practice alone in his bedroom anytime. I think we’re going to have some truly, mind-blowingly gifted young artists cropping up in the next decade or so.
RRX: Is there a favorite time of year? What time of year does the band have the most shows? Is there a recurring thing in the year that’s particularly memorable?
SCB: The summer time is definitely our busy season. We get really excited about this private gig out in West Sand Lake. There’s a guy out there who hosts a pig roast and invites all his biker friends out for it and we’ve been lucky enough to be invited to perform for him for a few years now. It’s always a blast and we can’t wait to do it again.