BANDwith Xperience

Interview By: Rob Smittix -Photography By: Stephanie J. Bartik RRX: You are quite the entertainer from what I can tell. VD: Oh, thanks. RRX: Obviously, you’re in KISStory but are you in any other bands because I don’t think I’d recognize you. VD: I did an AC/DC tribute called High Voltage a while back. RRX: […]

RRX: So how many different music projects do you have going on these days? JJ: I’ve got my solo project which has been running a few years now since I went to California. And then…for the past year as well I’ve been working with Ash Purdy, who’s the old bass player from Black Veil Brides. […]

RM: What’s up brother? RRX: What’s going on? RM: Choking down a beer before I start playing. RRX: Excellent! So, what’s new and exciting with The Ryan Matter Band? RM: I literally just booked this about 20 minutes ago. We’re goin to North Carolina in March, the week before that we’re in Florida for three […]


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