
Sharkface – The Weird Side of the Internet – by Liam Sweeny. Did you see “Cocaine Bear?” I didn’t. I think you’d have to be on cocaine to enjoy that. I don’t know; I do coke. But I do movies. Just not that one. But its unlikely success has spawned a spinner called, get this, […]

The Brazilian Alien – by Liam Sweeny. Okay, so when I heard about ten foot aliens from Art and Rob, mostly Rob, I was intrigued, but not enthralled. I’m one of those people that thinks that if ten foot aliens were roaming the earth, they might see us as something they can care for like […]

Digging for Gold in the Kitchen – by Liam Sweeny. Have you ever wanted to dig for gold? In your house, that usually means digging through boxes for forgotten old coins, but every once in a while, the search becomes real. For 71-year-old Brazilian man João Pimenta da Silva, the treasure he was looking for […]

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