Girl Love

SongCity moved to Franklin Alley in Troy and had Girl Love, Little Saints, Steve Hammond and Paul Spring play on the ground floor on May 14th. Photography by Timothy Reidy. More from Timothy Reidy…

Sunday at the Albany Tulip Festival brought Mother’s Day to the Festival. Local and Party acts were aplenty The Washington Park Lakehouse had Girl Love, The E-Block, Reese Fulmer & The Carriage House Band, Oobleck. Off The Record Trio, Funk Evolution, New York Players, kept the party going on the parade ground. Photography by Timothy […]

Girl Love – Interview – Thanks for Asking – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Who are you? Not, like, philosophically, but you know, who are the members of the band, who plays what? Describe yourself in one sentence (it can be a long sentence.) GL: Girl Love is my dynamic folk project that seeks to affirm […]

The Linda is back with the Live at the Linda Series this year. They presented Girl Love and Deb Cavanaugh and Dandelion Wine on Sunday, January 28th. Photography by Timothy Reidy.     More from Timothy Reidy…

Girl Love (Laura Beth Johnson) – Interview by Niki Kaos. Laura Beth Johnson’s poetic and ethereal soundscapes paint romantically nostalgic feelings. Her new album, Girl Love will draw you in… what exactly is in store for listeners? I enjoyed seeing you perform some of the songs from your album at CM Studio for Fine Arts […]

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