Liam Sweeny
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Seth Rosenbloom – An Xperience Interview – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Let’s start with the moment in your life that you really started playing. Did you start playing the blues on guitar to learn the guitar, or did you play something else on the guitar but then discover the blues later? SR: It was kind […]
Rachel Freeman – An Xperience Interview – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Can you tell me a little (or a lot) about Byrdhouse? What was the inception of it? Did it start with a concept, or was it the brick-and-mortar first? RF: Byrdhouse began as a D.I.Y. venue in Albany, New York where I could share […]
Nicholas Kopp – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: With the exception of singing, everyone has an instrument, an inanimate object that has the distinction of being a lifelong friend. Smooth or temperamental, these objects have a character. So pick someone to answer, can you tell us something special about what […]
Cheesy Snacks – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Every comic book hero has an origin story. What is the origin story for the band? (points if you tell it like a comic book origin.) PH: This project emerged from a vat of nuclear waste coated in cheese dust. The band […]
The Scurves – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Like songs, every artist has a unique feeling about their first show. What was your first show like? Was it your best show? If not, what was your best show like? DJ: Our first show was, in a word, cathartic. It was […]
Deveria – Xperience History – by Liam Sweeny. We lean over the opened hoods of muscle cars, tossing numbers in the air like 426 and 3.0 liter, and we marvel at how that combination of numbers and constants and forces can combine and take a quarter mile in fourteen seconds. Heavy metal is no different, […]
Service Industry – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Music genres are difficult for some artists. Some strictly adhere; others not so much. What is your perspective on the genre you play, or the genres you hover around? Holden: I guess we’re indie rock. Sean, Zac and I all write in […]