The Heights, a Column by Joe Barna – Xperience Monthly

Written by on September 9, 2023

The Heights.

“Opportunity Favors the Prepared Mind.’

I was introduced to this phrase by a good friend many years ago. Although I was able to intellectualize the meaning behind the words it took quite a bit of soul searching and self-reflection to fully encapsulate the depth of what it means to be prepared.

Let me explain…

When an individual sets goals there lies ahead a series of steps one can take to achieve those goals. For example, if you wish to lose weight then your daily caloric intake must be altered to fit your goals. When consuming a variety of foods you must be aware of how those foods affect your state of mind and body. Physical exercise must be engaged regularly and more consistently. All of these steps can be easily put into motion. The goal will eventually be achieved, affording you a happier healthier life.

BUT……Hold on just a second.

In setting these goals did you consider illness, financial pressures, relationship stress, exhaustion, family problems, job demands, injury and even lack of long-term motivation? Well, buckle up baby, you’re in for one hell of ride.

Life doesn’t care about your goals, feelings, how much wealth you’ve accumulated, what dreams you may have or what you feel entitled to obtain. However, what life does offer is the opportunity to overcome that which you may feel is shackling you from achieving your intended goals. This is where the saying “Opportunity Favors the Prepared Mind” comes into play.

Walk with me…Let’s discuss.

Over the years I’ve faced tremendous obstacles that could have sent my life into an ominous tailspin. Physical injuries, financial ruin, loss of gigs due to a poor attitude, failed relationships, family turmoil, homelessness, moments of depression, anxiety and much more. We all know I’m not unique in facing these types of conflicts. But, how we choose to approach resolving these circumstances can vary quite dramatically. It’s about being well informed and making the right decisions to set ourselves up on a path towards a successful future. That’s where true preparation and opportunity will present themselves.

Preparing for what potential opportunities await you means more than having the desire to obtain them or simply writing out a plan. There are questions that one might also wish to address if to fully realize the goals they are setting forth.

Have you settled that dispute in your relationship?

Are you physically healthy enough to take on certain tasks?

Have you worked on your mental toughness in an attempt to overcome those conflicts that upset you in your day-to-day life?

Have you talked to anyone about the anxiety you’re struggling with to help calm your soul and get you back on a path towards success with renewed confidence?

Most importantly, do you love yourself and who or where you currently are in life?

What’s my point???

There are no shortcuts along this journey. If you wish to participate in collecting the rewards afforded to those who are truly prepared, then you MUST get your life in order. Preparation is as much your intentions and ability to resolve interpersonal turmoil as it is executing a plan. Achieving one’s goals also comes from organizing one’s thoughts, surroundings, and relationships. If we wish to truly embrace growth, enroute to achievement, then we must also obligate ourselves to a healthy life physically, mentally and spiritually. There are people, substances and unresolved issues that are toxic for our hearts and minds. They stunt our capability to prepare for what’s coming and imprison our consciousness, not allowing room for that which may offer “opportunity”.

By the way, if you’re getting the impression that I’m implying this road to developing a “prepared mind” is easy you couldn’t be more astray. I struggle a little every day to keep moving forward, making better decisions, and preparing for that which may create a favorable moment for me to improve upon the quality of my existence. But, if you choose a life of purpose, have the courage to face your emotional demons, surround yourself with those who genuinely care for your wellbeing and live honestly then you also set into motion opportunities for achievement with far less resistance.

Having a prepared mind, at least from my perspective, means letting go of that which binds our hearts and minds. This creates the necessary space to gather those things we truly wish to acquire. It means taking control of our lives and weeding the gardens that exist deep inside each and every one of our souls. The fact is, if you allow the weeds (the negatives) to overtake the garden then eventually they will drain the nutrients from the soil, killing off the beautiful flowers (the positives) that were never given the chance to bloom. This can mean stepping away from a poisonous relationship, quitting that habit that’s toxifying the body or simply just putting an end to exhausting ourselves thinking about things that we inevitably have little to no control over. In general, we as a species spend too much of our energy thinking about how other people’s lives could be improved and not enough time on improving our own situations. It isn’t selfish to focus on elevating one’s own situation. In fact, by doing so you just might inspire someone else to be proactive in making the choice to improve the quality of their own life.

In closing……

For those who are taking the time to read this I wish you a life filled with joy, stability and opportunity. The road is long, winding and at times treacherous. It comes with failure, mistakes, heartache, disappointment, loss, disgust, anger, sadness, betrayal, adversity and at times loneliness.

However, for those brave enough to continue the journey, life also offers love, happiness, success, kindness, compassion, spiritual wealth, joy, laughter, a good meal and a warm hug. Get prepared, stay the course and live an inspired life.

Warmest Regards,


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