Ginny’s Supper Club – New York City Wine and Food Festival 2023

Written by on October 16, 2023

New York City Wine and Food Festival 2023, Ginny’s Supper Club, a look in three parts – by Dick Beach.

Part 1

This is decidedly not a review.  Nor is it designed to be comprehensive – jut a look at one of the largest food events in the country through the eyes of a one person, with guidance from constant companion.

This, and sister events in other locations such as Palm Beach, are a celebration of food and is a major fund raiser for God’s Love We Deliver – an outreach group that designs medically appropriate diets and delivers to those too sick or unable to care for themselves.  Founded in 1985 at the beginning of the AIDS crisis, they now have meals designed for over 200 conditions and assist those in need.  This event has raised millions.

The event of Friday the 13th was hosted by a couple big guns – Marcus Samuelsson and Jonathan Waxman at Ginny’s Supper Club in Harlem – this is the jazz club below Marcus’ flagship restaurant – Red Rooster.

My many of the event standards, this is a somewhat smaller event.  Chefs Samuelsson and Waxman each created 2 appetizers and 2 main courses.  They certainly were not a disappointment.  The consensus among the friendly group with whom we were seated was that the wild mushroom salad was the star.  Odd when you consider 2 of the other primary courses featured lobster and short rib.  One never knows, does one.  By account, the wines were quite lovely and, much to the joy of constant companion, one of the main sponsors of this years’ event is Bombay Sapphire.

The event was lively with an atmosphere more like a big wedding – just without the bride and groom. There were thanks, and stories and all the things to make it an enjoyable evening all around.  Were there a couple hiccups – sure.  Did most of us care – heck no.

As an aside – and one we found highly amusing – when the 1st main plate came out we noticed something rather stunning on our view.. Take a look at the plates on the mains in the photos…….our house has those exact plates.  Like identical.  Like down to the labels on the bottom that we also have.  I don’t know where they got there’s, but you may be well assured that we did not aquire ours from the same place – we are way too cheap.

Two more events for us – and you can follow along right here…….see ya then!



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