Million Dollar Meth Home

By on October 29, 2023

Million Dollar Meth Home – by Liam Sweeny.

People can be picky when they’re looking for a new home. From the angle of the sum on hot summer days to crown molding, from swimming pools to a large en-suite master bath, the number of things a house can have that attracts a buyer is near endless.

But some buyers are really picky. Would you like a home with a built-in business? A way for you to earn good money without having to get out of your pajamas? Well in San Jose, there might be a $1.5 million dollar place for you.

It’s a short commute to Silicon Valley, but that won’t be necessary for you, not with your very own meth lab.

Yeah. The property listed on Redfin for a cool mill and a split comes with its very own meth lab, and meth contamination. And you know there’s some jerkwad out there gonna complain about the contamination but not about the lab itself.

The guy that owned it prior was a husband and father of three endangered children, and got sent away on a slew of charges, including, of course, child endangerment.

This place has 2,700 square feet on a 6,000 square foot property. And given the location, it’s a steal. Plus a number of other crimes.

I got questions, first being why the cops didn’t just torch the lab. I mean, someone’s going to move in and their house will already be on the list for police surveillance. And Redfin doesn’t mention how close it is to a pharmacy that stocks Sudafed by the case. And why advertise that it has a meth lab? Was it industrial equipment bolted into the floor with rusty bolts and heavy welds? Couldn’t they have turned it into a pilates room with a dark past?

Well, $1.5 million and it’s yours. But hurry up, because that market is crazy, and someone is flush in escrow as we speak.


More from Liam Sweeny.


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