2024 WEEK TEN: JESSE SAMPLE’S FREAK OF THE WEEK – “Happy Hour in Heaven”
Written by Rob Smittix on March 6, 2024
JESSE SAMPLE’S FREAK OF THE WEEK airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 8pm Eastern on RadioRadioX.com !
This is Jesse Sample. You may have noticed that as you get older, more people start going to that other place. What is and where is that other place? Your guess is just as good as mine but seeing as we’re all starting from the same place, my guess is just as good as anyone’s. What if there is a heaven and what if it contains an endless strip of Rock’n bars and Honky Tonks? And what if, when we go there, we see all the people who passed away when we were down on earth.
Imagine if we could we walk down a street resembling Nashville’s Broadway and stop into a hopping place to catch Jimi Hendrix doing an 8-10 or perhaps catch Chet Atkins doing his midnight residency.
What if our whole earthly existence amounts to an 8-hour work day in Heaven’s time? Some of our Great Grandfathers might have born as babies right before a depression, shipped overseas into a warzone, come home to have babies and then pass away in their sleep, just in time to shower up and go see Stevie Ray Vaughn’s 6:00 dinner show in the Angel Room on St. Peters and 6th to join his wife who passed away 6 months before him.
What if we all get 21-year-old bodies and also the wisdom necessary for love, developed from the lifetimes of pain and loss on earth. Maybe we could have it all.
This week, a very sweet lady, in my life, left this world. But what if that’s not the end of the story? What if she just punched her timecard a couple hours before the rest of us, in the Supernatural time frame? And maybe we’ll get together for cocktails.
Thank you, to all of you down here among the living tuned into RadioRadioX. This is the Freak of the Week, “Happy Hour in Heaven”