Jesse Sample
Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 6pm EASTERN on This is Jesse Sample. We exist in a world of unknowns. We are truly responsible to fill in the blanks. We have no way of truly knowing what it’s like to be someone else, or even if they exist. There exist […]
Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 6pm EASTERN on This is Jesse Sample. We exist in a physical world, and we can kind of prove it…to some degree…using limited forms of measurement…But we, as a human race, have a lot to say about it. Everyone is on an emotional journey […]
Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week airs every WEDNESDAY at 6pm Eastern ONLY on This is Jesse Sample. Webster’s dictionary defines the word “interlude” a couple different ways. One meaning for the word is “a musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service” Okay, when I […]
Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week airs EVERY WEDNEDAY at 6pm Eastern ONLY on This is Jesse Sample. Different things have different levels of importance. Some things in life are sacred and need special treatment and some things need to be thrown out in a dumpster. Relationships with good people and time spent in […]
Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week Airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 6pm EASTERN Only on This is Jesse Sample. We all remember the pandemic. No matter how you cut that deck, 2020 was a stressful year for us all. Do you remember the high hopes we had for 2021? We all hoped that 2021 was […]
JESSE SAMPLE’s Freak of the Week USUALLY Airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 6pm EASTERN. But… because of the holiday, this week’s freak will air at 8pm TONIGHT! This is Jesse Sample. What makes a band a punk bank? Or a song a punk song? Most people might consider the punk genre to be a little less […]
JESSE SAMPLE’s Freak of the Week USUALLY Airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 6pm EASTERN. But… because of the holiday, this week’s freak will air at 8pm TONIGHT! This is Jesse Sample. What are the things that live rent-free in your head? Who are the people that dwell in the high-rise apartment buildings in the downtown of […]
Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 6pm Eastern ONLY on This is Jesse Sample. The holiday season is upon us. Like many of you, I’ve been running around with a list that just keeps getting longer and longer…and longer. There are things to pick up and things to drop off. […]
Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week Airs Every Wednesday at 6pm Eastern ONLY on This is Jesse Sample. Profound change is not easy. Sometimes the world puts forth circumstances where there is no choice but to change. If an asteroid were to hit our part of North America, we might be forced to do […]
Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week Airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 6pm EASTERN only on This is Jesse Sample. Winter gets a bad rap. When summer starts winding down around here, folks get bummed. Some folks actually do something about it and move south where the winters are mild or even non-existent. And to each […]