This Day in History – an Xperience Interview

Written by on March 7, 2024

This Day in History – an Xperience Interview – by Kristian Montgomery.

Here in Upstate NY we have a music scene as diverse as the melting pot we call America. .It’s only fair to share it with the world and vice versa, and I have been tasked with the enormous weight of all that is rock n roll, to bring New York a taste of flavors from outside our borders. Food and Music are the two things that can bring people of different cultures and creeds together at the same table and with music venues to mix into one family…one love ..Just because. This, my virgin expedition into music journalism was encouraged by my good friend Mike Newman at WMFO Tufts University Radio. He introduced me to the music of “This Day in History” and it brought back all the feels of the mid 90s Allston Rock city. They hail from Lynn, Massachusetts and consist of Steve Moran on Lead Guitar/vox, Vinny Capano, Rhythm Guitar/backing vox, Eric Rondeau, Bass/vox, and Jon Dorson on Drums. They recorded their last album at The Record Company in Boston with Producer Miri Rosenau. We all have our influences and you’re hard pressed to listen to bands and not hear who their rock heroes are but occasionally you’ll hear subtle hints and even more so…multiple subtle hints that make you say…This is going to be a fun interview.

RRX: Hello guys

TDIH: Hello, Hi. Thanks for support… all the regular niceties
Instead of the usual back and forth I’m going to break this down..It was a deep dive with these guys in the 20 minutes we had before they needed to get back to rehearsal.

RRX: Where are you guys based

Vinny: Lynn

RRX: Is it still a sh*thole?

TDIH: all answer in the affirmative.

RRX: My grandmother was a Marbleheader so I’m very familiar with the North Shore and all of its vortexes and Vices.

RRX: What are the venues you guys are performing at in Town?

TDIH: The Cantab, Great Scott Kodo in Salem, Faces in Malden and all the other Music venues in the surrounding areas. Our shows have been drawing well and we have shared the stage with some great bands. We want to plug ‘Tiny the Bear’ who we recently played with. They were recently nominated for the BMAs.

RRX: Yes… The award, talk to me about this. How important is recognition from your peers?

TDIH: Well…we are part of the scene so to be recognized by your peers is a cool thing but we aren’t pursuing it just hoping it happens.

RRX: you guys are all working class guys how do you feel about the scene? There’s a huge import of musicians from other places who come and attend Berklee. Is there still room for the locals? Do you feel they are over represented and supported in the Scene?

TDIH: Yes and No..{TRA could elaborate but to protect the band I’m gonna say we just did some wealth envy bashing and then got to the music part of this interview}

RRX: So to your music, You’re all friends and have been in the band since 2010 and have been playing together and feel like you’re starting to finish each others’ musical sentences. I hear a lot of diverse influence.

TDIH: Absolutely, we have a huge appreciation for the music that’s come out of Boston throughout the years.They Might Be Giants is a huge Influence

RRX: I was fond of the Mickey Mouse clubhouse years.

TDIH: They made it work, did what they had to do and are now back to making original music.

RRX: Listen, I hear The Offspring in your song “Years of Wear and Tear” The Monkees in your song “Slug” and The Animals in “Overboard” but they’re so subtle and keep me interested in what’s next. “Sugar” has a cool reggae vibe that is on the verge of going full on jam band but it doesn’t… Thanks for that

TDIH: You’re welcome

RRX: This area here needs another Jam Band like we need free colonoscopies with every latte at Starbucks. You can’t drive a mile without hearing someone playing the Grateful Dead from their Airbnb.

TDIH: We are doing a small tour through your area in April.

RRX: I’m down to host if you need a place to crash. Recently “No Detour” a punk/pop band from Boston stayed with me while they played in Albany.

TDIH: Thanks wish we knew in advance, Next time.

RRX: Before we wrap this up lets talk vocals, I am digging the vocals how they are stretched to the point where they are so close to losing it but so emotive you just have to go for it. The Backups too, I hear a touch of Greg Dulli and little hints of The Clash.

TDIH: Thanks , we have multiple vocalists and think the voices work well together

RRX: Thanks for talking to me guys, Keep me informed of show dates and ill try to get out and review the show. I’m really digging what you guys have going on, The camaraderie and years of friendship can be heard in the tunes and if you don’t kill each other expect you’ll make some killer albums.

You have to check these guys out I can only imagine the energy a live performance will bring.



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