Nolanauts – Interview – Thanks for Asking

By on March 25, 2024

Nolanauts – Interview – Thanks for Asking – by Liam Sweeny.

We connected with the Nolanauts. This is what they had to say.

RRX: Who are you? I don’t mean philosophically, but for real, who are you? Are you a solo artist? Are you a band? Do you do originals or covers, or both? Tell me one thing few people know about you? (for bands, pick one member, whoever’s got the coolest thing)

NOLA: Based in the Albany, NY area, Nolanauts is a fast rising, high octane, ten-piece rockin’ funk collective fired up about celebrating the joyful historical and contemporary fire of New Orleans music, sharing it with fans of all ages while creating a vibrant party atmosphere wherever they go. The ensemble features passionate, committed musicians of different generations playing music by Crescent City legends, from 50-60-year- old chestnuts to more contemporary songs. Starting with a livestream presentation at The Linda WAMC’s Performing Arts Studio in Albany, Nolanauts have performed at such mid-size venues as Putnam Place in Saratoga Springs, Lark Hall in Albany (including an opening slot for NOLA legend John “Papa” Gros), Cohoes Music Hall in Cohoes, NY, WMHT’s AHA television special, and at the Rye Bread Music & Arts Festival. The band dropped their debut original single “Early Warning” in February 2023 and has three upcoming singles set for release throughout 2024.

Coolest New Thing:  Victor “Spats” Murdock, who was the Nolanauts “Indispensable Man About Town” has joined us as our new Sousaphone player.  Vic has played at Yankee Stadium!

RRX: Do you have anything out there for the hordes to consume? What do you have? (most current thing) And do you have any shows or events coming out next month?

NOLA: The NoLaNauts are releasing our latest single “Neutral Ground” on March 29th.

Next shows up:

The Glove Theatre, in Gloversville, on March 30th.  We’ll be doing a Second Line street parade and the town is bringing food trucks, Main Street businesses are opened late and serving New Orleans style offerings like Gumbo and Beignets.  Come on down.  Gonna be fun.

The Colony, Woodstock, on April 17th.

RRX: What was the very first reaction to your music, from the first person to ever hear so much as a practice jam or the demo of your first song?

NOLA: Our friends, a mom and her 2 kids, 8 and 10, along with her mom and grandmother stopped by.  The grandmother started dancing so hard we thought she’d break her hip! Next thing ya know, the whole family joined in.  Too bad Tik Tok wasn’t as big a deal.  We coulda gone viral early.

RRX: Cover art is cool. It shows listeners what the artist thinks the album is all about. Because music can be felt visually. If you had to give the public a visual image that you think they would see and just “get” your groove right away, what would it be?

NOLA:  Our upcoming single, “Neutral Ground”.  Think Party Gras any day of the year!

RRX: You sing or you rap, you play guitar, play drums, what have you, you have no doubt struggled to learn music. Something probably tripped you up. What was it for each of you? What did you have to overcome (bands, pick a member)?

NOLA: Hardest thing to do in a ten piece band is playing less.  We’re figuring out how to do it every day.  When we get it “just exactly perfect” we’ll hit the stage and just dance with the fans…won’t play a single note.  Just send out funky vibes.

RRX: In the universe of music, anything can happen. Bizarro doppelgangers can walk down the street in feather boas. Who would be your bizarro musical nemesis and why?

NOLA: Most likely Nora Jones.  She’s totally great but the Nauts would melt from her mellowness. 100% Opposite.  We fear that day and hope it never comes.  Unless it’s when we’re playing at SPAC for Jazz Fest.

RRX: Stereotypes are a bitch. I mean, aside from the really bad ones, you have cultural stereotypes about everything, including music.  Would do you think is the stereotype for the music you play, and how far are you away from it?

NOLA: Nuthin wrong with stereotypes…we love the musical melting pot that is New Orleans and all the styles it has birthed.  Quite freeing we’d say!



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