Week Forty: Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week “Ran Out On Time”

Written by on October 2, 2024

Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 8pm Eastern ONLY on RadioRadioX.com 

This is Jesse Sample There is never enough time. Our relationships are formed from the time we spend together. And What are relationships? Are they merely collections of snapshots or are they the world we create around them when we shuffle through them?

And when we see that person again, we can add to the pile of snapshots. And it’s all so seamless.

But when that person leaves this “realm,” they are no longer available to collaborate with us. They are somewhere else and we have what we have.

On some occasions, you may be to see the writing on the wall and safely assume they are not long for this life. And if you can get across town or over sees, you should see them. Those last few snapshots are all you will get, and they’ll have to do.

Thanks to all of you listening to RadioRadioX. This is the Freak of the Week, “Ran Out On Time”


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