Written by on October 28, 2024

Interview and Photography by Rachael Skinner.

A Series of Questions with Kisstory

Dave Bariteau (PAUL STANLEY)

What led you to your journey to be a part of one of the greatest tribute bands to KISS and what led you to choose your character?

Dave Bariteau: My name is Dave and I play Paul Stanley. I saw KISS for the first time when I was seven years old. My cousin was living with us at the time and I went into his room and started going through his albums and everything. I saw the very first KISS album, so I said “Oh, what’s this?” then I snuck into the living room and put it on the old turntable and I fell in love with it instantly. It was like the personas that they put off and the way they sounded and it was so loud and strong. It was very incredible to me. Paul Stanley was my hero growing up, ya know, he taught me how to be strong and he taught me not to take anybodies crap. I used to get my ass kicked in school and when I saw him on T.V. for the first time it was incredible. Just the way he projected himself and the way you know, he just made you feel good, he made you feel alive. That’s who I like to give when I am doing the show. I try to be as much as him but be myself at the same time and let the people know that life is worth living, life is good. You get one go around in this world and live it to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised. That is where I fell in love with KISS. When I met these guys, Kevin was playing with Vinny in an Ace Frehley tribute band and he invited him to join our Revenge band which was not make-up. We all hit it off like instantly and with the bond between the four of us, I do not want to play with anybody else. These guys are my family, they are my brothers. I have been in Motley Crue tribute bands, I have been in original bands and toured with my original band, and it is nothing compared to what I do with these guys. The feeling is just so incredible to have these guys surrounding mewhile I am on stage and I wouldn’t give that up for anything.

Do you have anything you want to share about any upcoming projects that you guys are working on? Do you have any more shows coming up?

Dave Bariteau: We have some things in the works for 2025 but I am not at liberty to say what they are just yet. But we have a couple shows coming up in Masschusetts, Connecticut, Thanksgiving Eve we are doing the Strand Theatre in Hudson Falls and I believe we will be having another KISS-Mas party at Putnam Place. But, stick around for 2025, You are gonna be blown away.

Vinny Dawson (ACE)

What led you to your journey to be apart of one of the greatest tribute bands to KISS and what led you to choose your character?

Vinny Dawson: I wanted to be in theatrics and acting and I love music so it was all in one, you get everything. That is why I chose KISS because it is everything I love. Plus you get to be loud. When I was little, my mother watched a 60 Minutes special, “Kids in Satan’s Service,” and she flipped out because she was a church school teacher. So she took and broke all my albums, all my KISS dolls, everything just thrown out. And so you kinda like watch that movie “Detroit Rock City,” you see the guy Jam’s character, he kind of experienced what I experienced growing up with a crazy mother. But that kind of made you want to do it even more when you are a kid; the more your parents hate stuff, the more you want to do it. And here we are it’s almost 30 years doing this. My favorite song to perform is “Let Me Go Rock and Roll.” It is my favorite jam song.

What was it that made you so passionate about music?

Vinny: I think the first time, I was very young – probably four, five years old – and I had all older brothers and sisters and they all listened to rock n’ roll. That is pretty much what I grew up on is listening to rock n’ roll. The first song I think I fell in love with was “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” by Jim Croce. I have always had music playing, it is always on at my house, my music is on 24/7 in every room. I love music and all kinds of music. I am not a big fan of country.

Kevin Conrad: (ERIC CARR)

What led you to your journey to be apart of one of the greatest tribute bands to KISS and what led you to choose your character?

Kevin: I have been a lifelong KISS fan. I was 14 years old in 1975 and I discovered “KISS Alive!” the first live album. I am a big comic book guy too, and my walls were covered in comic book posters. As soon as I saw KISS they were like superheroes and rock and roll for that matter too. It was just a natural progression for me, the music just hooked me. I was just starting to play drums too, so Peter was honestly like my first drumming influence. I do not dress as Peter I dress as Eric Carr. When Eric took over for Peter it just brought a whole new life to the band. He is really my kinda drummer. Peter is more of a swing kinda drummer and Eric is more of John Bonham; just a heavy heavy hitter. I just naturally gravitated towards him. I have been in some tribute bands from like 15-16-17 years ago. One we did with my cousins and some friends and we just did all KISS songs with no make-up. We just went up on stage in our street clothes and just kinda took over a lot of open mics. Then nine years ago, I met Dave and we started Revenge. He already had it going on: make up with ’80s trimmings, the hair and the clothes. It had the ’80s/’90s focus on the music which I loved. I have been a fan since ’75 and I miss playing a lot of that stuff. This is great –  I friggin’ love this, it is such a different experience being in makeup. Vinny asked me to join the band – he has had the band since ’96. He asked me to join in makeup three years ago, and I said as long as I can be Eric, I will do it. We do about to 8-12 shows a year depending on how busy we are and what we can land. It is a great experience and the crowds are incredible. The Massachusetts crowds especially! They will sing over the top of you line by line! My favorite song to perform is “Parasite.” My favorite song by Eric is “Creatures of the Night” and we are bringing that back into the fold. We played it as Revenge.

What is the craziest thing that has happened while performing?

Kevin: I almost killed “Paul Stanley.” I lost a drum stick and it went right over on top of the stage, and my drum sticks are 3/4 black and the stage was black and he didn’t see it and he stepped on it and he went almost ass-over-elbows and he didn’t hit the ground thankfully. But I almost killed him, so that is the craziest thing that has probably happened live.


What led you to your journey to be apart of one of the greatest tribute bands to KISS and what led you to choose your character?

James: I have been a fan of KISS since I was a kid. One time for Halloween, I put on the Gene makeup and everyone said I looked so much like him. Since I played bass at the time and was a KISS fan, I thought it would be fun finding likeminded people to just play the music. That is when KISS ARMY was created (the KISS tribute band based out of Long Island in the mid-late ’80s). One thing led to another and we started to play a few clubs and it just blew up. I have played throughout my career in various KISS Tributes, retired for around three years, and then was approached by Vinnie to return as Gene to KISSTORY.

What are your favorite KISS songs?

My favorite songs to perform are “Parasite,” “Watching You,” and “God of Thunder.” I like the aggressiveness of them.


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