PapaSweenBean’s Friday Night – The Audience

Written by on November 2, 2024

PapaSweenBean’s Friday Night – The Audience – by Liam Sweeny.

My Friday night started out at home, actually. Leza Cantoral of Clash Books had an online book reading on Zoom. I figured the drinks were cheaper when they came from my fridge, so a good time. And esteemed wordsmith S.A. Cosby put in a visit.

The readings were great, visceral, carnal, in some cases. But everybody’s work was top-notch. I had an epiphanic moment due to my own inability to see how many people were in attendance, which there were a few. See, I thought I was the only one there who wasn’t there to read. And I felt a little self-conscious, like people were going to think “what the hell is that guy even doing here?” Now I personally know Leza and Christoph of Clash, and in fact, Christoph bought one of my books at my book signing. But I still felt awkward being the only person there not participating.

And here was the epiphany – I was participating. I was the audience. See, when you’re a writer, musician, whatever, you get so absorbed in the performance aspect that you forget sometimes how to be the audience. And just how vital you are as audience. I mean, you are holding down one end of the see-saw of the cosmic balance of kicking a sweet ass vibe. Think of a show that no one shows up to that the players performed magnificently. Now picture a packed house and the band was out of tune and the singer puked on the drummer. Give me that second show any day.

And of course, there were actually a bunch of audience members at the reading when I figured out how to check that, but I am taking my epiphany and walking out the damn door. And the reading was amazing, in case I didn’t already say that.

I did go out after, first to a show in Troy that unfortunately had a cover charge on a day I was feeling he full effect of being broke, so I did not attend. I probably could’ve used my press pass, as I was only there to take pics of the band, but I feel awkward doing that. Also I didn’t have it.

I did go to Bye-I Brewing in Cohoes, where I encountered the musical stylings of Ron McLaughlin. Nice acoustic set, he’s got that good power-gravel voice.  I met the owner, Bob, and I met Valerie behind the bar. I forgot Valerie’s name a minute after I heard it, don’t you hate that? And I have the whole, “repeat their name when you hear it,” going on, still missed it. Sorry Valerie.

Bye-I is huge now. They’re a brewery with a bar/restaurant area, kitchen soon to come. It’s in this massive space that is somehow homey. Vats and drums off to the side, hoses, and a bunch of stuff I don’t know the names of. This may become my Friday night landing spot, we’ll see.

Kind of slow night. I’ll definitely bring my pass next time.


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