Recap: Nick Carter at Troy Savings Bank Music Hall 11/6/2024

Written by on November 7, 2024

Recap By: Rob Smittix

Photos By: Laurie O’Donnell and Rob Smittix

Okay, where to start? I (Rob Smittix) tend to be a music snob of sorts, not like I’m into snooty classically trained listening room music but more like I mainly listen to underground music and I never really supported the pop music that would appear on TRL. I bring this to your attention because I am sure my readers are perplexed as to why I would be reviewing Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys) on this platform. I have a couple of reasons.

My number one reason for covering this show is that my wife Laurie has been a Backstreet Boys fan since the beginning and Nick Carter was always her favorite. For years I heard about the time that her ex waited with her camped out in a long line outside of the arena for Backstreet Boys tickets. She shared that experience with him long before I came into the picture but I have never attended a concert with her that was her choice of music before. Here is my opportunity. As soon as I heard the announcement that Nick Cater was playing at Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, I knew we had to go. My second reason for covering this concert is that I support Troy Savings Bank Music Hall 110% and even though this particular show wasn’t what I’d normally cover… I also understand how great of a get this is for the hall and that there is a huge audience for boy bands.

I will say that I was way outnumbered by woman in the crowd but I did spot a few other supportive husbands lol. Jordan Bolch opened up the show and I was totally thinking while he was playing that his music is what I would enjoy dancing to at a dance club. A few of his songs to the ladies reminded me that while making love I don’t always have to ask Alexa to play Ginuwine, maybe next time I can ask Alexa to play Jordan Bolch. I’d give it a try. I especially enjoyed Jordan’s rendition of “Drive” by Incubus. Although Jordan sung to all of the ladies in the crowd he spoke very highly of his wife Jessica from stage. At one point Jessica came on stage and threw out T-Shirts to the crowd and Laurie actually caught one as if she was Jerry Rice or something, I was impressed. Jordan ended his set hyping up the audience a cover of “This Is How We Do It” by Montell Jordan.

Nick Carter came out “Larger Than Life” and the girls went nuts. But then to my surprise the 2nd song was a Tears For Fears cover “Everybody Wants To Rule The World,” and I totally didn’t expect to be singing along so soon. Then Nick sung Corey Hart ‘s “Sunglasses At Night,” so now I’m singing along with 2 songs in a row, right off the rip. Nick explained that his “Who I Am” Tour is not only about his music but it’s about music that he grew up with that helped mold him into the artist that he is today. Well this made me happy because I’m thoroughly enjoying myself now. He sang several other covers that I knew but I’ not trying to give away his entire set-list.

Nick has been a Backstreet Boy for 31 years now and he seemed genuinely appreciative that the fans have stuck by this long. He asked the audience “who here was born in the 2000’s?” There were a good amount of cheers. He asked “who here was born in the 90’s?” And the cheers got louder, “the 80?” The loudest! “The 70’s?” I let out a faint whoo. “The 60’s?” There were a few. So it goes to show that Carter reaches a core era of fans that are now in their thirties and forties but I saw children and seniors in the crowd as well. That’s what you call mass appeal.

I had a great night with Laurie. I looked at her a few times during the performance and I could see her undressing Nick with her eyes. Hey that’s cool because I also saw her happy and dancing and that for me is a big win! Happy wife, happy life!

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