Dirtier Than a Toilet Seat – The Weird Side of the Internet

Written by on November 8, 2024

Dirtier Than a Toilet Seat – The Weird Side of the Internet – by Liam Sweeny.

Have you ever heard of things dirtier than your toilet seat? I have two, but is a toilet seat the standard of disgustingness? I mean, we know toilets are gross, so we clean hem frequently. Hopefully. So it stands to reason that there are dirtier things than a toilet seat.

How’s this one for you; your remote. They did a study in the UK that revealed the people, on average, click their remote 150 times a day, and they rarely clean it. And a quarter of Brits had never cleaned the clicker. This isn’t a dash on the Brits; I’m sure Americans are worse. I can’t remember the last time I cleaned my remote.

So remotes are fifteen times dirtier than the toilet seat. It’s chock full of Enterobacter, a bacteria found in feces.

I always thought the remote just infected my mind. Turns out Enterobacter can cause anything from urinary tract infections to endocarditis. And endocarditis is bad because it was mentioned at lease once in every episode of House.

But here’s one even grosser: your phone. It’s not grosser because it’s dirtier; it’s about as dirty, but because it’s up at face level when you’re making a call. Of course, that’s dating me; no one makes calls anymore. And to be fair, a smart phone is only ten times dirtier than a toilet seat.

But you know what else is gross? A sponge. And you all know I’m telling the truth. According to my sources, after two weeks a sponge will pick up 8 million bacteria. And I’m guessing more if you let the dishes sit every day.

Now, of course, you can make all of these items less dirty than your toilet seat if you just stop cleaning your toilet seat. Think smarter, not harder.

Or go clean all your stuff and don’t end up with Cholera.



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