
Page: 11

Art Along the Aether – Chapter Eight – Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. The Gall’ry was a bar once, far from the bar set by a new age of life-high creatives that stood by a chrome lipped mahogany caffeine launch facility. The hiss of milk, whips followed by billows of steam and the clink […]

Nicole Signore – Xperience History – by Liam Sweeny. Everyday we live and breathe free air, eat gluten free hot dogs and get triple-pump sugary abandon at our local coffee shop. And we’re able to do this with nary a thought because of the unsung work of thousands of dedicated folk. And when we sit […]

Prog Digest – An Xperience Column – by Klyde Kadiddlehumper. Once Upon a Time – in a Galaxy Far, Far Away … Well, OK – it was Downtown Troy at the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall and it was 2007. Klyde does travel down memory lane from time to time, and will wax poetic about […]

Jukebox. Tommy Stinson Tommy Stinson of The Replacements will be playing two headlining shows in the New York City area on his current tour. Stinson will be opening for The Jayhawks at Bearsville Theater on October 25th, and The Bowery Electric in NYC on October 27th with Ma’am and special guests, and including a Halloween […]

Show Detective. Friday, October 11th Kathleen Madigan, Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Troy, 7:30pm with Special Guest Michael Palascak Comedian Kathleen Madigan’s 34-year comedy career is showing no signs of slowing down on her current 2023 tour, Boxed Wine & Tiny Banjos. Madigan has been touring 250 nights a year on the road and has […]

Art Along the Aether, Chapter Seven, Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. God said “Let there be light,” and in the presence of that light, he read. To His left and to His right were the hollowed-out husks of mini-kegs filled with something like gasoline that didn’t smell like it, trading that overpowering nostril-buster with […]

The Velmas – Xperience History – by Liam Sweeny. We originally interviewed The Velmas in October of 2021. RRX: The Velmas have gotten a lot of accolades in our region, including “Best Alternative Band” and “Best Rock Band” by Metroland. You have your own acolytes, the “Velmites.” Considering how hard it is for any band […]

I’m free and I’m flying down the highway at a cruising speed of sixty, the perennial “five over” that we all hold up as a crucifix to a speeding ticket. I’m on my way to Whole Foods, which, I found out from friend and fellow artist Sarah Petrucci, was hosting an art exhibit of her […]

Art Along the Aether, Chapter Eleven – Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. Dark and cold and silent, old environment untouched by hands civilized, or beset by ravenous eyes. Where were they? Or would it have been pomp and cliché to say when were they, and the snow touched not the leaves crinkled up beneath […]

Jukebox. Pink Floyd Many famous bands have sold their catalog and likenesses, like KISS and Queen recently, but now it’s Pink Floyd that has done it. They’ve sold their entire catalog, plus the band name and likeness, to SONY for $400 million dollars. This means that SONY could have a holographic tour of the band […]


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