Art Along the Aether

Art Along the Aether, Final Chapter – Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. And so art died, and the funeral, though sparsely attended, was glorious. The flow and the aesthetic left in its wake were used to fashion the most outstanding arrangement of floral displays in the known universe, and in fifty percent of the […]

Art Along the Aether, Chapter 10 – Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. Suzy guided them through the dancers, of which there were many more than offered by the first glimpse. They accused the four of them of “tone policing,” and “mansplaining” and “sea-lioning,” straw men attacked even though Halloween was months before. They didn’t […]

Art Along the Aether, Chapter Nine – Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. First glance of the second floor was the whirlwinds of sand pouring down from the rafters of the floor above, sent off of horizontal by two giant steel fans that had seen the better days of a busy kitchen downtown. Flourescent ballasts […]

Art Along the Aether, Chapter Seven, Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. God said “Let there be light,” and in the presence of that light, he read. To His left and to His right were the hollowed-out husks of mini-kegs filled with something like gasoline that didn’t smell like it, trading that overpowering nostril-buster with […]

Art Along the Aether, Chapter Eleven – Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. Dark and cold and silent, old environment untouched by hands civilized, or beset by ravenous eyes. Where were they? Or would it have been pomp and cliché to say when were they, and the snow touched not the leaves crinkled up beneath […]

Art Along the Aether, Chapter 6 – Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. The council had a vote, not before belaboring the pros and cons of America’s favorite skinhead on the first floor. The campaign field was wide and empty, for as it turned out in the council’s proxy speeches and diatribes, Shitheels had a […]

Art Along the Aether – Chapter Five – Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. Duct work and duct tape, coat hangers and copper tubing, Black PVC bowels flexing around thick electrical cable, rainbow-paint reinforced rice paper kites caught in nylon nets as sharp-angled butterflies. Strings hanging dipped in glitter, clips of newsprint glued and drizzling […]

Art Along the Aether, Chapter Four – Xperience Fiction = by Liam Sweeny. The warehouse was huge, tens of thousands of square feet. It was long ago abandoned by the property owner and would’ve been torn down if not for its sheer size compared to the size of the city budget. But Sarah figured that […]

Art Along the Aether, Chapter Three – Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. The Guru surrounded the four in a wispy dance, her curves confirming contours of fabric and fancy, her delicate fingers posed in measurement; Deke’s hair, Sarah’s cheekbone to her chin, the front of Ollie’s jeans, all of which Sarah found to be […]

Art Along the Aether – Chapter Two – Xperience Fiction – by Liam Sweeny. The three-story chunk of degraded concrete and jagged lead window husks drew in its first breath the bitter nip of the nascent Cold War, its purpose military, its designation classified, its payload, from a few chatty elders whose sense of secrecy […]


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