Freedom Stratton

Freedom Stratton – Interview – Thanks for Asking – by Liam Sweeny. We connected with Freedom Stratton for the latest word. RRX: We let it out differently when we play music. The happy, sad, good and back; it can all be put out musically. Overall, do you feel better when you sing about the better […]

Pearlpalooza took place in Albany on Saturday, September 16th, with Alex Sucks, Fishbone, B.Chaps and Freedom Stratton

Freedom Stratton There’s two aspects of music, to borrow from Laurent Rejto, “above-the-line” and “below-the-line.” Above the line is the ‘kumbaya one love zero stress, it’s all music.’ Below the line is the grocery bill, the power bill, rent, and keeping up with the Joneses if one’s so inclined. And in my view, hip hop […]


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