
Observations and Ramblings from a Cranky Old Guy – by Jeff Spaulding. This is a holiday story, with plot twists and turns. To begin with, I am a huge believer in fate, the concept that things are not always random, and perhaps our lives are pre-determined. Thanksgiving weekend 1969. My father, mother and I were […]

It is a great honor that we be included in the special Thanksgiving/Black Friday edition of Xperience Monthly. We shared our turkey and stuffing with Tracy Bonham, Luke McNamee, Doc Horton, Dawn Clifford and more.

Greetings all, hope all is well with you. It has been one HELL of a year, and it ain’t done yet. Where do we start? Well, obviously COVID, the lock for Time Magazine’s “Pandemic of the Year.” Guess what? I am SO burnt out on that topic (not EVEN gonna touch politics), I can’t talk […]


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