This month, we sit down to find out more about our Local Ringmaster of the Shitshow, Brian Kane. Proudly born and raised, in Lansingburgh, NY.
It seems over the summer, while everyone was lamenting the lack of shows, Brian was popping up more often than new COVID restrictions!
RRX: Who inspired you to make music?

Brian Kane. Photo by Stephanie Bartik.
BK: Music has always been a part of my life. While growing up and now, there must be music playing. My parents had music on all the time. Unless dad had the football games on. I would have to say that my parents were my biggest inspiration.
RRX: How would you describe the music that you typically play?
BK: I would describe my song selection as bluesy dirty love songs.
RRX: If you could go open a show for any artist, local or national, who would it be?
BK: Locally it would have to be Emerald City. I grew watching these guys blow the windows out of rooms. Boy, I miss their sound. Nationally, no question Chris Stapleton. His lyrics and vocals are amazing.
RRX: What is your favorite song to perform?
BK: They come and go because there’s always something different coming along. Right now, I enjoy playing Soulshine with Tony Pellegrino. And, playing Thunder Road by Springsteen.
RRX: Which famous musicians do you admire?
BK: Tom Petty, Neil Young, Greg Allman, Elvis Presley, Chris Stapleton, Bruce Springsteen, Johnny Cash.
RRX: What did five-year-old Brian, want to be as an adult?
BK: My mother said I was always looking for an audience. I can remember always trying to be a comedian. If I wasn’t playing music, I’d still be in entertainment.
RRX: If we were to look at the artists you are listening to, who would be on your playlist?
BK: Grateful Dead, Stapleton, Dirty Heads, Johnny Cash, Allman Bros, John Fogerty, and Mofro.
RRX: What can we expect from you within the next six months?
BK: Hopefully same ole same ole. Love playing for people in the bars. I do have a little project in the works. Brian Kane and The Beginning should be here by summertime.
RRX: Again, you were all over the place at ‘secret locations’ during the summer—are you able to disclose any of those locations right now? I know the one I attended was stellar!
BK: They were everywhere. It started when my St. Patrick’s Day gig was cancelled. My good friend Mike Drinkwine, called and said, “Play at my house and go live”. So, I did. And people loved it. Next thing you know people were calling booking up my Saturday nights at their house for a show. Great response from everyone. I better not tell all my secret locations. just in case I need to use them spots again. Haha.
RRX: Do you often plan a gig, and have it turn into basically an open mic for other local musicians? Seems quite a few pop in. Were they planned? Or did they just appear? If so, who was your biggest surprise?
BK: Depends on which way the wind is blowing that night. Nothing I do on stage is planned. That’s why they call me the Ringmaster of the shit show. Tony Pellegrino and I have become a pretty solid duo. Love his groove and the way he plays. That’s been planned. Others just pop in for the show and I ask them up to play. Johnny Clifford stopped in one night and played the full show with is. That was a great surprise. I’m a huge fan of his. Love his energy and I love Tom Petty. So much fun that night. Luke McNamee has surprised me a few times as well. Something about him just fires me up. He makes it more fun than it’s supposed to be. I’ve also had the pleasure of having Tommy Love sit and play drums for me recently. Love that man.
RRX: Do you have anything you want to say to your fans?
BK: I have fans? If I do, I just want to tell them thank you for supporting this fat, Irish guy from Lansingburgh, NY. Really if I didn’t have you, I wouldn’t be playing. Peace and love.
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