JB aka Dirty Moses – A Hot Minute
By Liam Sweeny on December 20, 2023
JB aka Dirty Moses – A Hot Minute – interview by Liam Sweeny.
We got a hold of DJ and rapper JB aka Dirty Moses, and he agreed to chat with us, and answer our probing question. Behold the following…
RRX: We all get into creative pursuits for different reasons. Some people get into music and the arts to escape; for some, it’s a natural outlet. What was music, and creativity in the larger sense, for you?
JB: For me Hip Hop music is an outlet of expression of myself to the masses. It gave me a chance to find my tribe and music family. Hip Hop music provided a therapeutic outlet when life got in the way of living it to the fullest. An escape. A way for me to become this grandiose character of myself that I wouldn’t have been able to show if it had not been for the music.
RRX: Where was the first place you felt comfortable performing? People talk about places where they cut their teeth musically. Where was that for you? And does that place, or that scene still exist, or was it lost to time?
JB: In the late nineties and early 2000’s we had a small clique called Pitch Control Music started by Sev Statik which included myself and various other Capital Region Hip Hop musicians. That group of friends still exists but, not necessarily as a collective. Time, life, parenthood and adulthood has become the norm for all of us. For some, we still continue to pursue our creativity. As for venues, I feel comfortable performing anywhere. I feel I belong in every venue because I am a musician and command respect as such.
RRX: Music is both word and note, beat and measure, and message. If your music was laid out like a story, what’s the main character like? What’s the plot? And what’s one of the big moments that turned the story around?
JB: The main character is a young guy from Harlem NYC who survived a rough upbringing to become a parent and business owner. This guy takes the edginess of the streets and his book smarts and turns it into a lucrative operation that opens doors for others without them knowing, creating opportunities for the generations that follow him. The story turns around when bravery meets talent, opportunity, creativity and passion. I would like to think there have been many “big moments” that helped the story pivot. One being the birth of my children. Two being in college. Three being signed to a record label. Four being the first Hip Hop artist to perform for Albany’s Alive at Five summer concert series 2017. And many more…
RRX: Creative people move culture, especially musical performers. We have to thread the circumstances in our lives in a way to affect others. And this is sometimes a responsibility put on us. How do you, specifically, move culture?
JB: I think moving the culture FORWARD involves understanding the beginnings of the culture first. Then being brave enough to push boundaries and break down barriers. Not enough people go against the status quo. Like I stated previously, I feel I belong in every venue I have performed in. That doesn’t make me special though. It makes me aware that if I want change in Hip Hop culture in the 518 then I have to be that change. I have a band at my disposal. I DJ. I write for others. I sing and rap. I produce, mix, master, and engineer as well. Having one of the highest concentrations of musicians per capita in the USA doesn’t hurt either. As humans, the lesson is to live life to the fullest and leave the place better than when we arrived. Knowing that, I move the culture and move the crowd.
RRX: Music is a good traveling companion. Play it in a car on that long ride and the miles disappear. But you gotta have something to play. You have something out, maybe more than one thing – can you tell us about some of it?
JB: Music should be timeless. Trends fade away. I make music for yesterday, today and tomorrow. Currently I am promoting my new album ULTRATERRESTRIAL which is available on all streaming platforms as well as my website. In this body of work I speak on topics of love, vulnerability, bravery and worldly events. Our current and former US leaders and the desire to make us an outcast although us “aliens” have been here all along. We all want the same things. Love, peace, harmony and happiness.
RRX: One of the biggest challenges musicians face is getting their name out there. There’s so much competition, and technology makes it possible for everyone to be out there with a well-produced offering. What’s your favorite way to promote?
JB: The old fashion word of mouth way is still the best. If I am using tech, I tend to text and email most people to help spread the word. But, I love engaging in face to face conversation. Living in the Capital Region I am pretty visible and most people know me or know of me so starting a conversation about my music usually occurs on a regular.