2024 WEEK Eleven: JESSE SAMPLE’S FREAK OF THE WEEK – “My All Consuming Heart”

Written by on March 13, 2024

Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 8pm Eastern on RadioRadioX.com !

This is Jesse Sample. One of my favorite parts of my weekly project is its inherent high paced nature. There is an intensity to that Tuesday night deadline that keeps me awake and alive. Each week offers an opportunity to explore a different musical path and a different angle of how to view myself.

Pop quiz: What do Jimmy Van Heusan, Sammy Cahn, Carl Sigman, Johnny Mercer, and Kurt Weill all have in common? Answer: they all played integral parts in the phenomenon we know as Frank Sinatra. I approached this week’s song in the spirit of those great composers and lyricists.

I chose my guitar harmonies and wrote the lyrics along a basic melody. And I saw the bones of a good song. A jazz song.

Halfway through the process, I realized that I wanted things for this tune vocally, that I could not produce with my own voice. I reached out to my friend and band mate, Annie Burgess and she said she liked it and would sing it. We took some time and developed the feel and agreed that we should do a live recording, something that can breathe, which meant that we would be off the grid and need to execute the song together live and nail it.

Annie really delivered a great vocal performance, and we had a nice time with her husband, Charlie and her son, Lindon. This was a great adventure for me. We learn about ourselves when we work with others and we get to see ourselves, and others, as new and profound.


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