2024 WEEK Thirteen: JESSE SAMPLE’S FREAK OF THE WEEK – “Headlines and Genocide”

Written by on March 27, 2024

JESSE SAMPLE’S FREAK OF THE WEEK Airs Every WEDNESDAY at 8pm Eastern on RadioRadioX.com
If it were 400 AD and I were a Native American in what we now call Colonie NY, I wouldn’t have any clue what kind of atrocities the mounted warriors of the place we now call Mongolia were enacting upon the people, in the place that we now call Russia. The Atlantic Ocean and Western Europe would separate me from having that information. I would naturally have my own set of problems and life to deal with. But if things were peaceful in my neck of woods I might smile and I wouldn’t pay any mind to the wild violence taking place in Eastern Europe because for all practical purposes, that other place did not exist.
Fast forward 1624 years. I now have a window to the world in my pocket and exist in a society where almost everyone else does too. That window can show me things that exist in the world and can also show me abstractions that do not exist in the physical world. I have to choose what I believe, fully knowing that I can’t verify it and also knowing that not everyone else is seeing the same thing and drawing the same conclusions.
It seems that we can all agree that something horrible is happening to someone somewhere. The context is up for grabs and the morals are not usually agreed upon. But now we know, kind of, that in our so-called civilized world, someone is being killed by another.
How do we reconcile that while we wait for the new barista to prepare our $6.00 latte. Things are peaceful in my neck of the woods but now I know, or think I know, about someone else’s life going up in a fireball. There is a lot of evidence that the world has become a less violent place on the whole, but now we see it. This is a personal thing that I struggle with and this week’s song is my attempt to come to terms with it.
I hope you enjoy the track and be sure to subscribe to this page and go to Jessesample.com to sign up for the mailing list for exclusive tracks and live show dates, and to get the FREAK OF THE WEEK 2023 52 track album


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