2024 WEEK Fifteen: JESSE SAMPLE’S FREAK OF THE WEEK – “Say Goodbye Today”

Written by on April 10, 2024


This is Jesse Sample. Pop Quiz? How many groups of people do you know of that believe it will all come to an end on a specific date or around a specific  event? There’s too many to count.  Whether these beliefs come from a place of spirituality, technology, or from the mind of a figure like Nostradamus, we can safely assume these parties have been incorrect so far.

Just this week, we saw a solar eclipse with a corresponding media atmosphere and some states called out their national guards. This is all a bit weird. I took the bait to some degree. I was supposed to have cruised home from Charleston SC back to NY and I chose to put it off a day. Maybe this astronomical event won’t open a portal through which Cthulhu springs into our realm, but jammed up highways of impressionable humans is an all-to-plausible thing.

Independent of all the hype, death is something we all will face eventually, for now. Whether it takes all 7.95 billion of us at once or picks us off in our sleep when our 80 something hearts stop and we pass gently into the unknown, it’s going to happen. What’s important is what we do with the time we have. That unpredictable but definitively finite quantity we call “our lives.”

When I am lucid, I strive to make a conscious effort, to revel in this gift. When I am distracted and blinded by context, I sometimes forget that this experience will end, and I do myself the insane disservice of feeling deprived or being petty. The seas of time that I expected would always be there are just expectations, all based on ignorance, the way a spoiled child never even would know how to consider the hours his or her parents toiled, only to give some fat joker in a red suit credit for Christmas morning.

Be it a comet, a hydrogen bomb, a city bus, or the final throb of that sweet reliable pump in the middle of chest, I am going to treat this time with care and love and make sure that my fellow travelers know they are loved. When it comes, it comes. In this week’s song, I seek to sure up my outlook. Thank you to all of you fellow travelers listening to RadioRadioX. This is the Freak of the Week,  “Say Goodbye Today.”


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