Worth a Hand – The Weird Side of the Internet

Written by on January 24, 2025

Worth a Hand – The Weird Side of the Internet – by Liam Sweeny.

Has your job ever tempted you to pull your hair out by the roots? I’ve had jobs like that; hell, we’ve all had jobs like that, whether or not we’ve succumbed to the temptation. But in order for your job to push you to mutilate yourself, that’s a world beyond W-2s. We’ll, I hope it’s a world beyond W-2s, and in my presenting example, it is.

Serbia. Rough place. Part of the carve up of Yugoslavia in the 90s when the Soviet Union took a knee. A man, Zoran Bulatovic, a Serbian union official. Raska Holdings, a textile factory. At issue? People not getting paid for up to beyond a year.

So what did Bulantovic do? Chopped off most of his left hand, and his right pinky. What makes this honorable and not bat-shit crazy is that he did it to keep his deputy from doing it, as she had first suggested it.

This wasn’t something done in a vacuum. They had a 19-day hunger strike before this.

Not getting paid in a year, makes you wonder why they would still show up, right? Was it Lucy and the football? Endless promises? One thing they were offering was medical care, was that it? Bulantovic might just have cost them more in medical care that he would’ve in pay.

Oh, did I mention the game plan was to eat the hand and finger? Basically, “how else are we supposed to get food?”

If you eat your own appendage in a work action, is that an exception to the whole “cannibal” thing? I mean, most of us chew our hangnails, there has to be an acceptable link here.

Well, let’s hope the people of Raska Holdings can get paid, or they can open up a sausage factory on the outskirts of town, “no questions asked.”



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