Trauma School Dropouts – Interview – Thanks for Asking!

By on February 25, 2025

Trauma School Dropouts – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny.

RRX: Stereotypes are a bitch. I mean, aside from the really bad ones, you have cultural stereotypes about everything, including music.  What do you think is the stereotype for the music you play, and how far are you away from it?

Duane: We play Punk Rock. In the Classic sense I would say. I suppose the stereotype might be “loud, fast and obnoxious music played by delinquents who can barely play”. Chrissie Hynde once said something to the effect, “if you like to play, and you practice long enough, you won’t be able to play punk rock for very long.” I do understand where she is coming from, but the genre wouldn’t have lasted this long if that was truly the case. Matt Freeman of Rancid, and Michael “Olga” Algar of the Toy Dolls can certainly play. And so can Rob Marcello of the Trauma School Dropouts. So, how far away are we from the stereotype? We have our own lane. I tuck us in the cracks of the late 70s, early 80s London meets NYC punk scene. I am quite comfortable there.

RRX: Cover art is cool. It shows listeners what the artist thinks the album is all about. Because music can be felt visually. If you had to give the public a visual image that you think they would see and just “get” your groove right away, what would it be?

David: First image that came to mind was of a crushed beer can.  Something cheap

and domestic.

RRX: What instrument would you add to the band if you could? Is there anything you are trying to do musically that would be helped with one or more additional players?

Jaime: Easy one… Farfisa organ! Our good friend Kim from 1313 Mockingbird Lane played Farfisa on a few tracks on our debut album “Beach Party Dragstrip” waaaay back in 1995. We always loved that sound, and actually busted it back out for few songs on our new record “Got Head?”.  That sound is another call back to our 90’s roots, as well as our 70s and 80’s influences. Whether or not we could ever pull it off live… we will see lol.

RRX: How does practice go? Is the road practice enough, or do you have a practice shack? If so, how does it look? What’s on the walls? What cool sh*t is in there?

Duane: We rehearse in my basement. Same as Blasé DeBris. It’s mad cool. The walls are covered with show fliers, band posters, Sloppy Seconds, Wrathchild America, Misfits. Movie posters such as “May”, “the Runaways”, “Rock N Roll Highschool”, “Rocky Horror.” There are tapestries and pictures on the ceiling, stickers everywhere, beer fridge, TV, Couch, Stereo, 70s style hanging MCM swag lamps, and colored lights galore.

RRX: Tell me about your most recent song, album, or video (you pick.) Tell me a story about what went into making it. Not a process, but a cool story that took place within the process.

Jaime: What sticks out to me is the making of our new video for “Got Head?”.  For a band that was inactive for over 25 years, the support we received was amazing. From old friends like director Bryan Moak and shoot location owner Wendy Maki, to new friends like actress Gee Wolmart and videographer Yassir Kahn, the amount of people that donated their time/money/expertise really blew us away.  To be remembered and supported like that truly warmed the cockles of our hearts lol.

RRX: What would you like fans to know before they come to see you play? (No basic stuff; get specific)

Rob: I would like fans & hopefully “soon to be fans” to take a moment to listen to a few songs before they come see us. Many people already know the songs, but Trauma School has always been less about us just performing, and more about having everyone in attendance be part of the show. Sing-a longs, storytelling, “crowd work”, drinks …etc….anything goes! It’s like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. If you’ve seen it, you know what to bring & generally what to expect, but you never know what you’re going to get; each show is unique depending on how who attends & what they want out of the experience.The greatest & most memorable TSD shows have always had an element of semi-organized chaos where when everyone finally leaves , they head home having had a great night.


Trauma School Dropouts albums,cds & merch available through Cacophone Records.




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