
Bezzolay – An Xperience Interview – by Rob Smittix. Photo Credit: 80am Productions RRX: So how you doing, man? Bezzo: I’m doing good, bro. RRX: I’m really digging the New Year’s vibes that you sent over to me. Bezzo: Oh, thanks, bro. I was in the process of making music and I was like, let […]

Les Claypool – An Xperience Interview – by Rachael Skinner. Les Claypool is one of the most remarkable bass virtuosos of his time. His unique bass-playing style showcases a wide array of eclectic techniques, characterized by an innovative combination of strumming, plucking, and creative whammy bar manipulation. This results in the funky, gritty, and raw […]

The Perfect Storm – An Xperience Interview – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Tell me a little bit about the band. Let’s make introductions to everybody out there. What are you guys all about? James: We are The Perfect Storm. We had formed in January of 2022, during the end of the COVID stuff. We started […]

Cosby Gibson & Tom Staudle – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Music genres are difficult for some artists. Some strictly adhere; others not so much. What is your perspective on the genre you play, or the genres you hover around? CGTS: We describe ourselves as “acoustic, folk, and blues-style original […]

Ominous Seapods – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Music genres are difficult for some artists. Some strictly adhere; others not so much. What is your perspective on the genre you play, or the genres you hover around? OS: We grew up hearing and being influenced by so many genres of […]

Martyrs – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Music genres are difficult for some artists. Some strictly adhere; others not so much. What is your perspective on the genre you play, or the genres you hover around? MH: I see Martyrs as genre tourists. We’re restless, and shift from one style […]

The Sumpthings – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Music genres are difficult for some artists. Some strictly adhere; others not so much. What is your perspective on the genre you play, or the genres you hover around? TS: Our recipe is a rock stew with some sprinkles of blues, indie, […]

The Lycan – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Music genres are difficult for some artists. Some strictly adhere; others not so much. What is your perspective on the genre you play, or the genres you hover around?0 TL: Metalcore would be the closest thing we represent, but there are a […]

Mayan DeLion – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: What do you think is the most poorly understood thing about music, or the music you play? MD: I feel like in today’s AI era, we sometimes forget what making music is truly about. Some people might see music more as a […]

Thashil Ramdass (South Africa and Nigeria) – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Every artist’s first song is a milestone. But so is the latest song. Describe the first song/album you recorded, and also the latest song/album you recorded; what are the differences? TR: The first song that I actually ever […]


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