
Page: 33

I popped some frozen pizza rolls in the air fryer for my 9-year-old this afternoon after mowing the lawn. I was a little late making his lunch, but it’s pizza rolls – they won’t ruin his appetite for dinner. I also cut up some fresh pineapple and was we both sat there in silence with […]

100-inch screen tv’s… booming surround sound systems… Even before the pandemic started, people have been abandoning live concerts and avoiding DWI’S for the comfort of their living rooms or patio decks and the rise of live streaming. Modern technology has really made a difference in the way we can view and listen to our favorite […]

Let’s call this a cautionary tale. That said, it’s certainly nothing to lose sleep over. Literally. Opening question, do you, a loved one or a friend snore? When I say snore, I don’t mean the occasional “I got wasted and passed out” snore. No, I mean the loud as Penn Station snore. The kind that […]

Once I settled into the apartment I was subletting, I started inviting friends over to jam. I was no longer living with a musician and was missing that sharing of music. I had also booked a gig for a month and a half away, knowing that although I was just learning to play the guitar, […]

My life was now starting to unravel in all directions. I had taken a big leap into my vagabond life with Paul when I was still pretty young, became a mother two days after my twenty-second birthday, and moved from one coast to another and back again twice. We’d settled in upstate New York because […]

I always said that if any of my partner ever got violent, I would not stay with him. I had become accustomed to physical and emotional abuse at an early age, but although I knew that I couldn’t tolerate physical abuse anymore, the emotional abuse was harder to recognize. Maybe I was also a bit […]

This is a (pretty much mostly) true story of the stupidest person I have ever met. One could say he’s as dumb as a box of rocks, but that would insult the rocks. Shakespeare would say it is “a tale told by an idiot,” I say it is a tale told ABOUT an idiot. Forrest […]

After counting the years until I would move out on my own, without the responsibilities of raising a family, I was having another child. Jessie, who had recently decided to abbreviate her name to Jes., was almost fifteen and Justin was eleven. I felt as though I was in the home stretch. Now, I was […]

Soon after we reunited following our seven-month separation, we decided that we should have a dog and found a husky through a shelter that had families host dogs until they could find them a home. Rory a big, muscular dog. He was three years old and wasn’t well trained. We decided to take him on […]

In the late eighties, I was in my mid-thirties, and we were still struggling to survive financially with two kids. We did manage to do it one way or another and even occasionally had a little cushion. But Paul jumped from job to job, never figuring where he belonged, and my work didn’t pay well. […]


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