
Page: 36

In 1983, we were excited about our new band. We called ourselves “Cosmo Rock” at that time. Although I had played in various music groups in my teens, this was the first time I had my own band. We had no idea how to run a band, but we made a good team. Paul was […]

Finally, in 1983, Paul and I had enough money to get an inexpensive apartment in the South End of Albany. It was on Green Street, in “The Pastures” area. The city had just finished putting up a new development with two- and three-story buildings made to look like brownstones for “section 8” housing. We were […]

Although we had anticipated a rough adjustment, it turned out to be rougher than we’d hoped. It was the end of the school year, and I had made sure that Jessie and Justin were both learning along the way. They had, in fact, learned some things that most adults haven’t yet learned about navigating your […]

When I was a kid, I had a lot of different professions that I wanted to get into. Unfortunately, my mother had her own plans for what I was going to do later in life. She wanted me in an office setting where my profession would be “stable”. I know now I should have made […]

Greetings all, hope all is well with you. It has been one HELL of a year, and it ain’t done yet. Where do we start? Well, obviously COVID, the lock for Time Magazine’s “Pandemic of the Year.” Guess what? I am SO burnt out on that topic (not EVEN gonna touch politics), I can’t talk […]

The plan to make the best time we could went slightly awry when we made a necessary stop for gas and bathrooms and inadvertently left our cat at the truck stop. We realized as soon as we got halfway up the entrance ramp, which was longest ramp I’d ever been on and was also very […]

As we were leaving Salt Lake City, Paul and I realized that the trip was going to take a lot longer than anticipated unless we could figure out a low to no-cost way to repair the bus. Now, we were really glad that we had made a stop in Reno before hitting Salt Lake. We […]

I almost forgot to write about one last thing that we needed to do before leaving the West Coast. Remember our cat Autumn who’d had her first litter of kittens behind my chair on the night of Justin’s concussion? Before we could get her spayed, she had another litter of kittens. As soon as they […]

In literature, especially non-fiction, they say write what you know. This article is definitely what I know, and I hope you NEVER have to know what I know. But where are my manners? Hi again, I missed you, whether it’s reciprocal remains to be seen. You may have noticed my article was not in the […]

We found a rental at a trailer park in Beaver, Oregon and had to downsize quite a bit. We were always flexible and quickly figured out how to make do with a much smaller residence and a tiny fenced in yard. We were still in the same area with the same community, and we had […]


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