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When I was a kid, I had a lot of different professions that I wanted to get into. Unfortunately, my mother had her own plans for what I was going to do later in life. She wanted me in an office setting where my profession would be “stable”. I know now I should have made […]
Greetings all, hope all is well with you. It has been one HELL of a year, and it ain’t done yet. Where do we start? Well, obviously COVID, the lock for Time Magazine’s “Pandemic of the Year.” Guess what? I am SO burnt out on that topic (not EVEN gonna touch politics), I can’t talk […]
In literature, especially non-fiction, they say write what you know. This article is definitely what I know, and I hope you NEVER have to know what I know. But where are my manners? Hi again, I missed you, whether it’s reciprocal remains to be seen. You may have noticed my article was not in the […]