Jeff and Crystal Moore
Singin’ Guru – An Xperience Column – by Jeff and Crystal Moore. Dear Singin’ Guru, You talk a lot about the “right” workouts. What does that mean? Sincerely, Need to Know Dear NTK, Glad you asked, and I imagine you asked because vocal lessons with anyone reputable are expensive. And they are expensive for […]
The Singin’ Guru – An Xperience Column – by Jeff and Crystal Moore. Dear Singin’ Guru, I’m busting my hump singing at bars for next to nothing. I absolutely love making my music, but how do I become an artist when it’s so hard to make a living as a musician? Broke as a Joke […]
Singin’ Guru – an Xperience Column – by Jeff and Crystal Moore. Dear Singin’ Guru, I’ve just finished an album and want to release it, but I’m confused by the legal mumbo jumbo. How do I protect my music and get paid royalties? Sincerely, So Happy My Album is Done Congratulations, So Happy! You’ve poured […]
Singin’ Guru – An Xperience Column – by Jeff and Crystal Moore. Dear Singin’ Guru, I’ll just put it out there – how in the hell do you learn to sing and play guitar at the same time? People make it look so easy, but I’m struggling! Help! Signed, Struggling Dear Struggling, First of […]
Singin’ Guru – An Xperience Column – by Jeff and Crystal Moore. Dear Singin’ Guru, Over the weekend, I went to a couple of shows and saw my favorite players making sweet music, being awesome, and having fun. That’s my dream! How do I really become a musician like that? Signed, Ms. Dreamer […]
Singin Guru – An Xperience Column – by Jeff and Crystal Moore. Dear Singin’ Guru, I’m a vocalist in a cover band that’s just getting started. Our guitarist wants every song to “sound just like the record.” I know we want to be faithful to the original, but some of the songs are too high […]
The Singin Guru – An Xperience Column – by Jeff and Crystal Moore. Dear Singin’ Guru, I recently saw a band where the lead singer had an incredible range. My friends and I were wondering how low or high the human voice can go. I knew where to get the answer, so enlighten me, Singin’ […]
The Singin Guru – An Xperience Column – by Jeff and Crystal Moore. Dear Singin’ Guru, I have just started singing karaoke, and there are songs that I’d like to sing but I just can’t hit the high notes. I’m a dude by the way. Signed, Wanna Get High Dude Dear Mr. Dude, Here’s the […]
Singin’ Guru – An Xperience Column – by Jeff and Crystal Moore. Dear Singin’ Guru, I know this sounds weird, but it feels like I’ve got a hair caught in my throat and it’s affecting my singing. It’s very annoying and starting to freak me out. I’m losing sleep over this! Yours truly, Hairball Dear Hairball, […]