Stephanie J. Bartik (NY Rockstar Photographer)
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Interview By: Rob Smittix -Photography By: Stephanie J. Bartik RRX: You are quite the entertainer from what I can tell. VD: Oh, thanks. RRX: Obviously, you’re in KISStory but are you in any other bands because I don’t think I’d recognize you. VD: I did an AC/DC tribute called High Voltage a while back. RRX: […]
Recap & Photography By: Stephanie J. Bartik ACROBAT-The International U2 Tribute The 17⁰ temperature and icy snow mix, didn’t keep the crowd away from Cohoes Music Hall Saturday, February 25, to see ACROBAT International U2 Tribute. And those who ventured out were treated to one of the best tributes I have seen. I walked behind […]
Photography/Recap By: Stephanie J Bartik It was a Tuesday night at Cohoes Music Hall, but it seemed more as a Sunday morning Catholic church service, will all the standing ovations for the performance of sold out John Lodge of The Moody Blues. Not surprisingly, the demographic was an older crowd, coming to hear the songs […]
Photography By: Stephanie J. Bartik
RRX: So how many different music projects do you have going on these days? JJ: I’ve got my solo project which has been running a few years now since I went to California. And then…for the past year as well I’ve been working with Ash Purdy, who’s the old bass player from Black Veil Brides. […]
RM: What’s up brother? RRX: What’s going on? RM: Choking down a beer before I start playing. RRX: Excellent! So, what’s new and exciting with The Ryan Matter Band? RM: I literally just booked this about 20 minutes ago. We’re goin to North Carolina in March, the week before that we’re in Florida for three […]
Photo By: Stephanie J Bartik I first met Jeff Prescott a few years ago, backstage at a benefit show. We were both hanging around in the green room, admiring a snare drum that had been signed by a bunch of local drummers, which was to be auctioned off for charity. Jeff, whose signature was not yet emblazoned […]