Tom and Tim Conwell, an Interview with Rob Smittix – Xperience Monthly

Written by on September 2, 2023

Tom and Tim Conwell (UFOs and Paranormal  Studies)

RRX: Thanks for meeting with me. You are father (Tom) and son (Tim) and you both have remarkable experiences in the realms of both the paranormal and UFOs, which I’ve been very interested in for a long time. Tim, what’s your area of expertise?

Tim: I am more of the paranormal guy.

RRX: I’ve had more paranormal experiences than UFO sightings. Is there something that compelled you to get into this kind of study?

Tim: We’ve always been into what ifs and what could be. I have been known to be very sensitive to these things, even psychic wise. I have the ability to tell people things I don’t know. They would sit there and question, how do I know this? There are things I pick up on. I open my mouth but how do I know that?

RRX: No kidding. I think some people are sensitive to it.

Tim: When you’re born, you’re more in touch with it. We’ve all heard of little kids who have said things like: Uncle John is here or I was talking to my little friend but Uncle John has been deceased and no one is there. We all have the ability in the beginning but the hardest part is realizing it. Everyone has their own view, are you going to have it from the start and keep going? So, it all depends who can open up and when. Some people even those that are on TV are all of a sudden psychic. There are fakes out there. I tell people that are going for readings don’t say a word, don’t speak, don’t nod, give them a look of death because if they’re psychic, let them do their job.

RRX: Well I know some psychics make it pretty clear it’s for entertainment purposes only. I see that as a disclaimer because you know you’re going in there and not getting anything out of it.

Tim: They want their money.

RRX: When I was a kid I had a dream that my grandfather died. I woke up to the phone ringing and I started crying, the call was to let us know that he passed.

Tim: That’s someone reaching out to you and saying to be prepared.

RRX: We’ll definitely get into the UFOs with you Tom in just a moment but I figured we could start here with Tim. So we touched on your psychic abilities but being the paranormal researcher that you are do you go out ghost hunting as well?

Tim: Oh yeah. I’ve got the equipment and we go out investigating.

RRX: Well keep me in mind for any upcoming adventures. Tom we haven’t talked to you too much yet but you are a Ufologist and you’re an author in the matter. How many books have you written?

Tom: Six books.

RRX: Right now I’m in your Livingroom staring at a map of the United States with pins in it indicating UFO sightings from 2011-2016. Tell us about this.

Tom: When I realized how many sightings were in each particular state I knew it would be a nightmare to keep track so I came up with the idea. When I finished my first book it was the East Coast and a couple of states. When I started the Central US, I knew that I was leaving too much information on the table by not having this in the first book. So I stopped at Ohio, that was my first state in the Central US and went back into my database and started assembling where the sightings happened to be in particular cities. Within the databases there were 50 types of things seen in the sky because of this I couldn’t put 50 different colored pins in the map. I decided to combine certain things. I had spheres and circles, which are kind of the same thing, so I matched them together in the database. So those became the spheres and I made the pins a red color. Black happened to be fireballs. The first time I seen one was right out here.

RRX: Really?

Tom: Yes, there were nine of them, right up there in the sky. That’s one reason I limited my time from 2011 because fire balls were being seen all over. I noticed that there were far more triangle UFO sightings in the desert South West and in the North West than there were in the East. Why is that? I thought that was a good one to put on the map to see if there was a correlation or something.

RRX: I never thought of it like that.

Tom: As I was putting pins in the map, I realized that there were tremendous amounts of certain types of sightings in certain places. Like spheres, fire balls and some triangles in the East Coast right along the ocean. I thought it was because that’s where the populations were. As I started doing it I realized there were so many I had to change my pin types. If you look closely you can see bigger pins. The big pins are equal to 20 little pins. Out West were so loaded with sightings that not only did I have larger pins to equal 20 small but I had pins of a different color to equal 100 small.

RRX: This is wild and they really do seem to hit the coasts the most on both sides of the country.

Tom: And they go around the great lakes. That’s where I made my first correlation. If they were bases why would they have so many? Because they can travel from the East Cost to the West Coast in about two minutes. They wouldn’t need that many bases so why are there so many sightings around water? Well several reasons, first of all at night when the sun goes down at sun set, you start seeing lights and if you stand there long enough the lights start moving. When I started seeing that I realized what they were doing was sort of collecting themselves around certain area and distributing from there. So it wasn’t because of bases it just so happened to be the distribution center. A lot of comments on my theory about Lake Eerie and Lake Michigan and many think that maybe there is a base. I didn’t buy that, so why else would they be seen going into water? A reason that I stumbled on is that the ships are getting over-heated and there’s no better way to dissipate heat than under water.

RRX: I never thought of that but as of late there’s more talk of USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects) coming out of water than ever. Now since everyone has a camera phone in their pocket do you think that we only have more evidence now because of this or do you think sightings have actually increased?

Tom: I believe the sightings have increased for two reasons, number one there’s probably more and number two everyone is in tune to them now.

Upcoming events with Tom Cowell

September 21st 7:30pm Museum of Innovation and Science

September 27th 6:30pm Voorheesville Public Library


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