Prog Digest – an Xperience Column

Written by on November 5, 2023

Prog Digest – a Column by Klyde Kadiddlehumper.

There are times things just kinda happen.  Little bits and pieces fall together in ways one does not expect.

In previous versions of this rather odd missive we have touched on music, on time, on space and things that may, or may not be what is expected.  Here is one of those cases – and I ask your indulgence.

One an evening this week, met a couple very nice young women at a dinner party.  Somehow we ended up on the topic of math.  You know, that subject every kid hated (well, almost every).

I will confess to being one of those kids who liked math.  Heck, loved physics too….  Chemistry, not as much.

So, we hit math – and my comment was that I did, indeed, like math, but was confused as to why calculus was necessary to get into graduate business school.  Of course, there were the comments about calc, mostly not great.  On the other hand, one of my favorites.


Heads back to our old friends time and space.

Calculus is, in many ways, a practical form of origami.  You know, the art of folding paper into different things.  Think of calculus as folding complex ideas (math problems by and large that explain other things) into a smaller, more compact version.

OK – confused?  How about I put it terms the not so geeky world can get their arms around. The Marvel Universe.

Yup – pick one – Dr Strange and the Multiverse or, perhaps Loki is more your style.  Time and space and universes folding in on each other, or being expanded.  Or timelines going wild.

These can all be brought down into smaller bits by math – you know – Diff-EQ (differential equations).  All large things can be condensed into a small, simple equation to be un bundled.

Musical time is like that.  Space is like that.  The universe is like that.

Now, let’s fast forward 24 hours.

Attending a different event, we met another very nice man.  Originally from Turkestan, just a nice guy who did not get out to public events as often as he had.  His usual companion had passed and he’d had a tough time getting out and about.

Here is where the calculus comes about.

We are all locked inside our own little worlds.  Our own space and timelines.  You now, our Own Private Idaho.  Tough to think outside it.

Then along comes a variable you didn’t expect.  Call us free radicals.

Time and good conversation are sometimes the just enough.

In the end, his eyes were bright, maybe a little lighter step and an appreciation of what he was missing.  And the thought that, maybe – just maybe, heading back out, going to shows and honoring a fallen mate is how to make your life better.  You only give up on those gone when you give up on yourself and things you enjoy.

Yeah – I do love me some math.


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