Principality of Sealand – An Xperience Interview

Written by on January 4, 2024

Principality of Sealand – An Xperience Interview- by Liam Sweeny.

Seven miles off of the coast of Great Britain, in what was once international waters, pirate radio was broadcast on ships and old military structure to fight the restrictions on early pop music put out by the BBC. From one of these efforts, a World War Two military installation was occupied and declared a sovereign country. Sealand. And while its status as a country has been a grey area in the international community, they frankly don’t give a sh*t, and never have. We interviewed Prince Liam, one of Sealand’s hereditary heads of state.
RRX: Sealand started out, o nearly started out as a pirate radio station, playing pop from international waters to counter British censorship. This is how I’d heard of Sealand. Radio rebellion. But what is Sealand really like, and what does it mean to live in Sealand?
PL: Sealand as a place is unique, it’s certainly unlike anywhere else in the world. In the 1960’s the irony was that we could potentially talk to millions through the radio, but lived in isolation. Time have certainly changed an we now live very connected lives online just like most people, but what sets us apart is our ability to live on our own terms.
RRX: You are seven nautical miles off the British coast, which was international waters until 1982, when the British extended their territorial waters to twelve nautical miles, encompassing Sealand. How did Sealand survive as a nation when you were suddenly in British waters?
PL: When the UK extended its territorial waters from 3 miles to 12 in 1982, it did not affect or negate Sealand’s sovereignty. In such situations, it is customary in international practice to draw a median line between the overlapping territorial claims, which applies to the claims of Sealand and the UK. I would also like to highlight that in anticipation of the UK’s extension of territorial waters, my Grandfather, Prince Roy extended Sealand’s claim to 12 miles. We recently published an article on our website, which in part addresses this question in further detail:
RRX: 99.9 percent of Sealand’s energy needs are supplied by renewable energy. How long has Sealand been on that high a percentage of renewables? Are there other “green” activities happening? What could the world learn from Sealand’s green efforts?
PL: We’ve been focusing on renewable energy since the early 2000’s, right around the time that the technology made it feasible. Using renewable energy on Sealand serves exactly the same purposes as it does on a larger scale in every other country: It brings down carbon emissions, and at the same time gives us energy independence. Our use of renewable energy is not just about self-sufficiency; it’s also a statement about Sealand’s commitment to a sustainable future, and to show others what’s possible, even if on a small scale.
RRX: Sealand may not have a seat at the table in many international and political organizations, councils, etc. But things are changing. Eventually Sealand will have a voice. What would your first words be when you have the first speech in the UN?
PL: That’s a good question. Probably something to the effect of: It’s about time you invited us here to sort out this mess!
RRX: Sealand has to be more than a flag and a passport, it has to be something in the people. Is there a “Sealand” state of mind or attitude? Something that is only found there, and if so, can you tell me about it?
PL: Absolutely, the Sealand state of mind is what defines us, even more so than our flag or anything else. It’s a blend of fierce independence, unwavering determination, and a natural tendency to approach challenges with unconventional thinking. In Sealand, we embody the spirit of doing what others believe can’t be done.
RRX: We are a music and arts publication, so I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask one more music question. Do you transmit anything by antenna anymore, or by just having a channel somewhere digitally? Is there some sort of ‘Radio Sealand’ on SiriusXM or a Spotify playlist?
PL: The only transmitting that we do from Sealand these days is via VHF to close-by shipping, or friendly local fishermen – much less sexy than our swashbuckling pirate radio days it must be said! We’ve often toyed with the idea of a new radio station, but for now the majority of our communication is done via our website or social media channels. Our national anthem is on Spotify, you’ll find it by searching its composer: Basil Simonenko.
RRX: This is where I leave space for anything you would like to bring up that I’ve missed.
PL: If Sealand resonates with you, I’d love to invite you become a part of our vibrant community either by engaging with us on social media, or becoming a noble of Sealand through our website


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