Vonche Ogburn – Interview – A Hot Minute

Written by on January 6, 2024

Vonche Ogburn – Interview – A Hot Minute – by Liam Sweeny.

We caught up with model Vonche Ogburn and our inquiring minds took us on the runway and back. Here are our words, and hers.

RRX: Modeling seems easy to people who’ve never modeled. Just stand in front of a camera, and that’s it. But that’s looking at the end-product with no understanding of what may have to happen a day or a week before the shoot. Can you talk about that?

VO: As a freelance model the real heavy work is the behind the scenes. Building yourself as a brand, making industry connections, constantly growing your knowledge, and learning yourself.

Fighting through the fears you may have. Cultivating a positive mindset.

Taking care of yourself as a whole is important.

RRX: Models and photographers are a matched pair. Both have to be on-point. I’ve known from my time in print media that every photographer has their own look. Can you tell me about a photographer you shot with whose look you really vibed with.

VO: Ughhhh so manyyyy to choose from !

I loved working with Kevin Alexandre

IG @project._vision

What makes Kevin unique is that he uses a film camera . His work is so amazing it was such an honor to work with him.


RRX: Like photographers, wardrobes are another matched pair. I can think of two scenarios, one where you’re in wardrobe to shoot for maybe an ad. The other is you’re modeling the wardrobe itself, for the brand. Which of the two do you like best?

VO: Modeling for me is art. I love when I am able to bring the vision to life. Which usually falls into editorial. I’ve done runway however it is not my favorite.

RRX: One key of art is that the artist reveals themselves through their work. But a model reveals themselves as their work. You’re using your expressions and body language to bring a work into being that will affect the people who see it. Does it feel like art?

VO: Absolutely! Modeling is living art. There are so many parts that play a factor when modeling. Watching it all tie together is magical.

RRX: Models can go all over the world, and are in high demand whenever a person or business wants to bring attention to something. But as a model, it’s your face on a thing. Have you ever had to turn something down because you didn’t want your face on it?

VO: I love being a freelance model for this reason. I have full control over which projects I want to work on, and yes there have been projects that I have turned down because it did not speak to my personal brand.

RRX: There are a lot of people doing modeling on social media. And they call themselves models, and the people in the comments treat them like models – are they models? Is it a matter of real models vs fake models, or is it just varying skill levels of models?

VO: In My opinion there are no fake models. Anybody can be a model technically.  However I do believe that there are levels to modeling, In terms of professionalism.


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