Recap: Lovesick w/s/g Unfinish’d Bizness at The Park Theater in Hudson, NY 02/08/2024

Written by on February 9, 2024

Photos By: Ed Conway

Words By: Rob Smittix

Just over a week ago my friend and Keyboardist Bear Campo (Black Mountain Symphony/Smittix) asked if I was going to see Lovesick at The Park Theater in Hudson, New York on Thursday February 8th? Bear has been a fan of Lovesick for a few years but I haven’t yet had the privilege to discover their music for myself. I immediately went on YouTube tracked down a few Lovesick videos and fell in love with their sound.

Lovesick has been described as an Americana, country band and I think that certainly is a good description of their sound and style except for one important factoid… they are Italian. Not American Italian, like Italian, Italian. I have listened to Italian music many times before in my life but I was totally unaware that Country/Americana was a genre that Italians were into playing. That was news to me. Is Lovesick a phenomenon or is this a genre-specific scene that actually exists in Italy? Sadly I don’t have the answer to that question. Not yet, anyway.

After I decided I was going to cover this show I contacted The Park Theater in Hudson to request a press pass. I ended up talking to Shanan Magee the owner of the venue and we had a really nice chat. I explained who we (RadioRadioX/Xperience) are and he told me about The Park Theater.  I have been in Hudson a lot recently but not to enjoy or explore it’s treasures, just to visit family. Although I work closely with most area venues, somehow this gem of a theater that’s only 45 minutes away had never come across my radar until now.  If you’d like to learn more about the Park Theater in Hudson, I found this really cool article with video at, CLICK HERE FOR THE ARTICLE

We took the band van to the show or as we like to call it the “Bear Express.” Bear drove as he always does, his wife Christina and his drummer Bill Palinski in the back and somehow I managed to get the shotgun seat without calling it. When we came to the heart of town we found a spot near a park that was very close to the venue. We scooped a picnic table for a bit and pre-gamed before the show. As we approached the Park Theater there was a really cool classic diner (Grazin’ Spirits – Tasting Room & Restaurant) two doors away. Walking by the place and looking in the front window of Grazin’, we noticed that we pretty much knew everyone that was eating at the diner. All of our friends in the window were in town for the Lovesick show.

One of the folks at the diner was actually Ed Conway, who as you know is Big Ed and he does his Little Rock and Roll Show here on Monday Nights at 7pm. I thought to myself of course Ed and his wife Kathy are here, this kind of music is what Ed plays on our station. But Ed also is a photographer so it’s a win/win for everyone because now this write up will have decent photos. Thank You Ed!

Walking through the doors for the first time at The Park Theater, we were greeted by Shanan Magee himself. The dude seems like a class act to me. I stupidly didn’t catch the bartender’s name but she was very pleasant, full of smiles and conversation. I ended up accidentally wearing and not leaving my big camouflaged winter coat in the “Bearavan” but I wanted to feel comfortable. I looked around at the crowd and I realized that no one here would steal my coat. You could just tell the vibe. Others followed suit and placed their jackets over mine without ever worrying about keeping an eye them. I ran into so many friends (all musicians) and it really added to my first experience at the theater.

Unfinish’d Bizness opened up the show and I loved every minute of their performance. I got talking to a couple of their mates after they played and as I understand they are based not too far from the Hudson area. Another band that I’m just finding out about but that’s okay because now I know… and knowing is half the battle. I’ll make sure to keep in touch with these guys because I’m sure we’ll have an opportunity to book them eventually. Kudos to Unfinish’d Bizness, may your bizness never be finish’d!

Lovesick got a bunch of us dancing and the crowd was just in awe of their overall performance. It was wild because you’d never know this band wasn’t American until they spoke between songs and the Italian accent became apparent. They were amazing, the night was magical and everyone that was there will forever hold this show in their hearts.

Thank you Park Theater Hudson for having me, I know I’ll be back! -Rob Smittix





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