Genius Afterlife – The Weird Side of the Internet – by Liam Sweeny.
If the smartest person on the planet told you what happened when you die, would you believe them? I think it depends, for me. For example, if they told me that a brain study done at the point of death says this or that, sure, I’d believe them. Because that’s basic science; I could’ve looked that up, and they just did. Or maybe they were the one doing the study.
What if they told you they knew what the afterlife was? Remember, smartest person in the world. I think I would believe them if they had a near death experience; they’re smart enough to explain and probably interpret what they experienced.
But what if they told you they knew what the afterlife was, and didn’t have the near death experience? Just on the basis of them being the smartest person in the world? To be clear, we listen to, and believe idiots all day on television and social media. So would we believe the smartest person in the world just on their IQ?
Chris Langan is the smartest person on earth, with an IQ of 190-210. This tops former smartest woman Marilyn Von Savant with an IQ of 205. Now he is self-proclaimed, so Marilyn might still be the top brain. But she’s just floating through the ether not making waves.
Basically, he thinks that the universe is a self-generating computer system of sorts, and when we die we pop into another part of the system. And you probably won’t remember who you are.
This is what Langan, the smartest person in the world thinks. But I, the 21,383,085th smartest person in the world thinks that I can come up with way cooler ideas than this. I think this proclamation is the kick in the ass I needed to let my MENSA membership lapse. That and I don’t have eighty bucks.
Liam Sweeny
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