Author: Liam Sweeny

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Greetings – All of us here at Caffe Lena–on stage, in the seats and behind the scenes–are big believers that Small Is Beautiful. Thanks to the long legacy and great reputation of this room, we’re able to attract some pretty extraordinary talent to this teacup of a concert hall. But once in while there’s a band […]

TROY, NEW YORK:     The Troy Savings Bank Music Hall is excited to announce that the popular lunchtime series Music at Noon returns TUESDAY with Irish favorites Toss the Feathers. Since 1988, on the second Tuesday of each month from October to May, the free Music at Noon concert series has presented exceptional musicians with a […]

Scratchoff Standoff – The Weird Side of the Internet – by Liam Sweeny. Can you ever work with someone who steals from you? I don’t mean the last yogurt in the office refrigerator, and I don’t mean someone who steals your significant other (because you can’t steal people) and I don’t even mean someone you […]

Peshy Kruger – Xperience History – by Rob Smittix. Originally published in November 2021. On Friday November 12th at The Madison Theatre in Albany #25toLIFEEE and Peshy Kruger present #LIFEEE Behind Bars 2. For those that aren’t fluent in Rap music lingo, bars means musical bars. The event is a rap battle that will entertain […]

Hangar on the Hudson Hey! We’d love to see you at a show soon. Here’s what we’ve got coming up. Eddie Spaghetti (Supersuckers) Sunday, March 9th Catch a rare solo performance by the one and only Eddie Spaghetti of the Supersuckers with special guest Metal Marty Chandler. Solo cuts, Supersuckers hits, and well known cover […]

Jukebox. Aimee Mann To celebrate the “22nd ½” anniversary of her 2002 album Lost In Space, Aimee Mann will be going on tour. It will kick off in Canton, Rhode Island on June 5th. There will be dates in Brooklyn, Boston, Chicago and other cities, with the concert wrapping up at the Riviera Theatre in […]

A Name that Can Kill Skynet – The Weird Side of the Internet – by Liam Sweeny. Do you have a weird last name? I don’t really, but the spelling of my ‘Sweeny’ is not the typical spelling, which is ‘Sweeney,’ and so I’ve had my share of not pulling up on someone’s system and […]

Dmitry Wild – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Like songs, every artist has a unique feeling about their first show. What was your first show like? Was it your best show? If not, what was your best show like? DW: Yes the first notable show with Table Dreams I played […]

Show Detective. Friday, March 7th Danú, Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Troy, 7:30pm Hailing from historic County Waterford, Danú is one of the leading traditional Irish ensembles of today. Their standing room only concerts throughout Ireland are true events featuring high-energy performances and a glorious mix of ancient Irish music and new repertoire. Hailing from […]

Unwanted Seat Mate – The Weird Side of the Internet – by Liam Sweeny. There are lots of horror stories about airplane rides. Some are about the omnipresent dangers of crashes, both in air and on the ground, although those are only horror stories for survivors. And there’s all that can happen inside the cabin, […]


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