Author: Rob Smittix

Page: 11

Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week Airs EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT at 8pm Eastern on Teaser for this weeks song: This is Jesse Sample. The following may be extremely obvious to you, but this may be the first time I’m really putting two and two together. I have the house to myself for a couple […]

Jesse Sample’s Freak of the Week airs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 8pm Eastern ONLY on ! This is Jesse Sample. There is a time to express. This occasion calls for a suspension of judgement and a nap for your inner editor. There is a time to move ideas in fast succession and truly open yourself […]

Photos By: Ed Conway

Ahhhh yes.  The glory days of the 80s!  Rock n’ Roll ruled the airwaves and MTV.  A now labeled as “Hairband Music” genre was deep into its decade of decadence when a new band with big hair hit the scene.  It’s 1988 and in walks WINGER.  Winger had the hard rock 80s big guitar sound.  […]

Recap: Cassadee Pope, Natalia Taylar and The Foxies at Empire Underground 7/23/2024 As you know by now, my recaps are not the norm. This particular recap will be an interesting read, I can assure you of that. So here’s the deal folks, as our commander in chief would say… I originally wasn’t trying to go […]

Way back in the day, somewhere around 1991 or 1992… I (Rob Smittix) went to the Palace Theatre for the Hit Squad tour featuring EPMD, Das EFX and Redman. For whatever reason K-Solo wasn’t there but fortunately K-Solo and I became friends in recent years. Anyway, that show back in the early 90’s was not […]

I don’t even know where to start with this.  Let’s just say, it will be hard to sit down for a week because Sammy Hagar and crew kicked my ass!  WOW!  Saratoga Performing Arts Center is loved by many musical artists.  It seems like they always give just a little more there.  Last night was […]

This is Jesse Sample. Do you ever get off to a bad start? You know, a bad hair day? Nothing falls into place and you can’t seem to get your rhythm. Sometimes we put the wrong foot out and we try and fail to do the hokey pokey for the rest of the day. If […]

Words: Rob Smittix Photos: Tim Reidy I (Rob Smittix) apologize for this late recap but this has been a busy week here at RadioRadioX/Xperience as we not only are finishing up our August issue of Xperience but we also had our 6th Anniversary Party yesterday, which was a lot of work to put together. But… […]

This is Jesse Sample. As time goes by, we find things that suit us, and we tend to do them more. I can go to Hannaford and attain all my favorite snack foods and walk out the door in 7 mins. No doubling back. Start with the Pepperoni and work your way to the freeze […]


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