Page: 35
Paul and I were both excited to take our kids across the country again. Justin was now old enough to remember this trip and to be more actively involved in the planning, and Jessie always liked to travel. I was always prepared for a road trip with plenty of things on hand to keep them […]
Welcome back my friends to the column that never ends. (Sorry, been listening to some ELP lately) I don’t know about you, but I am SO ready for 2021! 2020 has been such a s**t show, at times you think you had enough, then WHAM, bend over and take so more. At times, when I […]
Toward the end of that schoolyear in 1984, I noticed a slight curve in my daughter’s spine. She was only eight-years old, but I was always concerned about passing on a genetic flaw that had almost crippled me. As a result, I checked my children’s’ backs regularly. Back in 1966, in the spring of my […]