
Page: 35

Paul and I were both excited to take our kids across the country again. Justin was now old enough to remember this trip and to be more actively involved in the planning, and Jessie always liked to travel. I was always prepared for a road trip with plenty of things on hand to keep them […]

We were settling into life in the city pretty well by now when Paul’s mother died. After Paul’s father had died, we had moved back east to be closer to our families and had gotten to know Cathy pretty well. She and I’d had a rough beginning. She was an alcoholic and, when I was […]

Sax-O-Claus and Josh the Elf came to Nanola Sunday night to present their latest “present” to friends, family, and special guests; “Mrs. Claus”. Yes, Mrs. Claus (played by Kimberly Slater) was present handing out winter and holiday face masks to guests entering the heated tent. It is she, who inspires Sax-O-Claus to be the best […]

Now, the band was starting to gel. Andy, Paul and I all wrote songs. Paul and I generally wrote together, but sometimes one or the other of us would bring a completed song, then came the editing. The arrangements always happened collaboratively. When we first started writing, we made the decision to copyright everything as […]

When I was hired at Hilton Music to teach piano, I decided to work as many hours as I could to try to get ahead a little financially. We were living in section-8 housing, so we were surviving, but that was all. Of course, the more money we made, the higher was our rent, but […]

Welcome back my friends to the column that never ends. (Sorry, been listening to some ELP lately) I don’t know about you, but I am SO ready for 2021! 2020 has been such a s**t show, at times you think you had enough, then WHAM, bend over and take so more. At times, when I […]

Welcome to the Village of Waterford, NY, the home of the Tugboat Roundup Festival, Momentive, the Erie Canal System, and its one-of-a-kind vintage shop, Port of Call Consignments. Originally from Lansingburgh, NY and settled in Waterford, Rich Bronk, owner of Port of Call Consignments, lives, and breaths in his own vintage world. Bronk got the […]

I loved my work at The Free School. I started reading books by alternative education pioneers like John Holt, Ron Miller and A. S. Neill, the founder of the Summerhill School in England. I went to conferences on Alternative education and engaged in fascinating discussions about all of the different models. I learned how to […]

Toward the end of that schoolyear in 1984, I noticed a slight curve in my daughter’s spine. She was only eight-years old, but I was always concerned about passing on a genetic flaw that had almost crippled me. As a result, I checked my children’s’ backs regularly. Back in 1966, in the spring of my […]

The summer of 1983 ended too soon for us, but we were becoming well-established in this new home. I had enrolled Jessie in The Free School and, with the start of the school year, I was invited to spend as much time as I liked volunteering there with Justin in tow. Although, I had done […]


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