
Page: 67

I was taken by the beautiful, rich tone of Christine Bilé’s voice, effortless guitarwork and introspective lyrics. Her recorded work goes even further, highlighting layered vocals, ringing harmonies and rhythms that groove. I need to know more about where her creative inspiration comes from. RRX: For your latest single, “At Least I know I’m Free” […]

I (Rob Smittix) didn’t know what to expect as I ventured up the Adirondack Northway with the Lake George Skate Plaza in my GPS, early Saturday (10/01) afternoon. When I arrived cars were parked all the way to the main drag. I followed a few skateboarders that led me directly to my destination Mirth Film’s […]

RRX: It’s very nice to be talking with you. How have you been? BB: Not too bad and you?  RRX: Things have been weird but okay. BB: Things have been weird here as well. RRX: So, you’re in the UK right now? BB: I am indeed and you’re in Troy? RRX: Close to Troy, I’m […]

After a four-year hiatus to pursue higher education, I returned to the Capital District, anxious to re-immerse myself in what was a thriving local music scene. I grabbed a copy of a local music magazine, and like a starving man opening a menu, began to metaphorically salivate at the possibilities.   My anticipation led to disappointment as […]

If you are mostly dead, your friends take you to see Miracle Max. If you are hungry, your friends should take you to see Max Clement at Lost & Found in Albany.  I first met Max in the winter of 2021 when he was working at Rosanna’s in Albany – an outstanding Italian restaurant you […]

Join us for 2 days of music and skating at Wild in the Trees Music & Skate Music Festival this weekend (Saturday 10/01 & Sunday 10/02) at the Lake George Skate Plaza, both days the festivities will be from 11am-7pm. There will be multiple bands on both days, with plenty of beverages, food and vendors. […]

A brand new music and art festival is making it’s way to the Collar City. This weekend Friday 09/30, Saturday 10/01 and Sunday 10/02, over ten venues in Downtown Troy will be taken over with live music. The festival is known as Bacchanalia. Sure it’s easy to say but hard to spell and the curiosity […]

Friday night at the Palace Theatre , I was in attendance of an amazing performance of the legendary Alice Cooper, the 74 year old King Of Shock Rock is the originator of histrionic stage performance that is cult like and has inspired millions of fans with his sing along anthems of simple yet brilliant lyrics […]

We at RadioRadioX and Xperience Monthly are very proud to have had Stephanie J Bartik on our team for so many years. Stephanie is truly one of the best concert photographers in the Capital Region. Friday September 16th you will have a chance to see her work up close and personal at Eden Cafe in […]

Recently, I accomplished one of my bucket list items, a list far from complete but worth checking off. Still on that list, staying in broadcasting to age 71, making fifty years in the business, the Good Lord Willing and I don’t lose my job or die…that looks good so far. I also want one more […]


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