Search Results for: Liam Sweeny
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We reached out to the band Proximity Crush with burning questions and a spirit of exploration. These are those questions. RRX: Every comic book hero has an origin story. What is the origin story for the band? (points if you tell it like a comic book origin.) PC: The comic analogy is funny because our […]
The Xperience Monthly’s Liam Sweeny interviewed artist Troy Raines about the love of hand drawing.
We reached out to Belle-Skinner to explore the depths of her music. This is her story. RRX: Every comic book hero has an origin story. What is the origin story for the band? (points if you tell it like a comic book origin.) BS: Everyone is always curious about where the name Belle-Skinner comes from, […]
In this edition of Thanks for Asking, we interview Anna Mernieks of the band Beams. Interview by Liam Sweeny. RRX: Every comic book hero has an origin story. What is the origin story for the band? (points if you tell it like a comic book origin.) AM: In the sleepy suburb of Brampton, Ontario, local […]