ET Ring Home – Camera Contest – No Winners

Written by on November 29, 2023

ET Ring Home – Camera Contest – No Winners – by Liam Sweeny.

Did you hear about the “Million Dollar Search for Extraterrestrials?” Me neither, not until just now. And it’s over, so you can’t win a mil’. But I’m going to tell you about it, because it was fascinating and they’ll probably do it again.

The home security company Ring, you know, with the cameras in the doorbells, had a contest that started in October and ended on November 3rd (Yes, I’m also selling expired milk.) The contest was a million dollars if you caught an extraterrestrial being on your Ring camera.

Neat, right? But it wasn’t easy. They weren’t just going to accept a methhead in candy cane pajamas. Ring recruited astrobiologist Dr. Jacob Haqq Misra to be the judge. Footage couldn’t be altered, and the creature had to exhibit “unusual, extraordinary, or unexplainable behavior. I realize by that criteria, a methhead in candy cane pajamas could still win. But in addition, a contestant had to prove it was an ET “based on theoretical predictions from the existing scientific literature, recovery and analysis of an artifact or documentation of extraterrestrial markings or symbols.”

Is it me, or, if you had that kind of evidence and the video, you could go a few hundred places that would give you way more than a million? I mean, oh yeah, you have a UFO in the backyard. Just give that to your security company for a mil, that, after taxes, could buy you a two-bedroom bungalow next to a truck stop.

So nobody won. I don’t think anybody would’ve won. But I am absolutely positive that alien aficionados bought for Ring cameras to take part in this. So the winner was Ring. I have full confidence they’re going to do this next year. Which is exactly why I told you about this.

Get your Rings now (we are in no way sponsored by Ring. We are in a few ways sponsored by extraterrestrials.)


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