Queen of Sol (Norway) – Interview – Thanks for Asking!
Written by Liam Sweeny on January 6, 2025
Queen of Sol (Norway) – Interview – Thanks for Asking! – by Liam Sweeny.
RRX: What do you think is the most poorly understood thing about music, or the music you play?
QoS: Ever since I started recording my music and releasing it to the world, I have heard from acquaintances and some people in the promotion business that my music is too sad, melancholic or dark for today’s world. That people wish to hear lighthearted music. I do not agree. What a better time than now to share deep songs, seeing the world in shambles and experiencing traumatic situations. I am not about to close my ears and eyes to suffering. I wish to see the pain and go on a musical odyssey that will take me closer to truth and higher consciousness.
To truly focus on your music and go all in requires a lot of work. After COVID a lot of people started making music because they had a lot of spare time, so now when society is up and running normally again, the competition is fierce, it is near impossible to break through the noise. It demands courage and grit to make it, to endure all the disappointments and the rejections, to keep moving and learning.
RRX: With the exception of singing, everyone has an instrument, an inanimate object that has the distinction of being a lifelong friend. Smooth or temperamental, these objects have a character. So pick someone to answer, can you tell us something special about what you play, your technique, your instrument?
QoS: When I was 15, I got money for my confirmation, a tradition where I grew up. I wanted to use this money to buy my first guitar. I went to 4Sound in Bergen and tried different acoustic electric guitars. I got to try several guitars in a private room, getting a sense of the sound. When I heard the sound coming from the last guitar, my heart was set, it resonated with me, the sound was deep, round and warm. There was none alike. I was told by the salesman that this Martin guitar was 1 in 14 custom made guitars imported from the US, so knowing that this was one of a kind just made it even more set in stone. This unique Martin was the one for me. A bond was made, and everywhere I have been it has been with me, still looking beautiful and sounding amazing.
RRX: What was the very first reaction to your music, from the first person to ever hear so much as a practice jam or the demo of your first song?
QoS: My very first public concert happened in a bar in Bergen, called Apollon Platebar, one of the guests told me after I had played through my debut EP “The Heart Has Many Rooms”, that my music was like a movie, that my songs were rich with stories, beautifully vulnerable and that my deep soulful voice gripped her heart. I was very grateful that she had this point of view and what she said has really stuck with me.
RRX: In the musical world, there are many supporting players. Recording engineers, sound techs, cover art designers. Who are three people that support the craft that you would like to shine a spotlight on?
QoS: I am so lucky to have my life partner Dan. We work together on creating visuals for my music and down to the creative & technical mixing of a song. I couldn’t have done this without him. He dreams with me all the way.
RRX: We let it out differently when we play music. The happy, sad, good and back; it can all be put out musically. Overall, do you feel better when you sing about the better times, or the worser times? Is there a difference you can describe
QoS: My music is all about vulnerability and truth, I treasure going deeper into the fabric of being human. I breathe through my music, this is how I vent, so most of my songs reflect something dark and melancholic. Meaningful changes can come from exploring the depths of your soul. I have a desire to help others see their gold hidden within darkness.
RRX: Let’s talk about your next project, your next few. Just not the ones you’re working on now. The ones you have your eyes on for the future. What’s coming to us?
QoS: “Am I Dreaming?” is the focus track on my upcoming EP “Ghosts That Never Dim”. This EP collects sorrow, nostalgia and pain through three songs that delve into separate stories from my life. Some memories we carry with us are good, other memories leave a destructive mark – both the good and the bad stay with us, because all traces matter. Each room is the keeper of something meaningful and one day it may become valuable.
My next song “Neverending” releases 28 February. This is a romantic song reflecting what it’s like to be in the dark, when you’re on your knees crying out into the cold. We need to know that we’re not alone, and experience love & healing during our life. When darkness descends, ‘’Neverending’’ comes to life.
Even further into the future I have an EP planned, called “In Between The Fights You Have In This Life”. If everything goes right, the release will start in September and end in January 2026.
This EP reflects on the power we have to make the change in our lives that can give transformation and prosperity. It is time to let new life arise; Why do you keep fighting? How do you rise up again after you’ve lost? In you dwells the fight to keep moving and learning. There are many things we can do in between the fights we have in this life, to let our consciousness expand, so that our life force may grow.
One day I’d like to release an album, I have written all the songs for my debut album, but I have to wait for the right time. I look forward to discovering my future.