Stay Sassy

Stay Sassy – Gag Me with a Lip Gloss – by Sassy Auburn. When any of us early Gen X’ers hear anything about the 80’s, our minds go right back to all the great memories of that time period. Gummy bracelets, lace hair bows, melting our eye liner with a lighter, Member’s Only jackets, skinny […]

“Is sad a four-letter word?” – by Sassy Auburn. Stay Sassy – Chapter Five Have you ever gotten overwhelmed by an extreme feeling of sadness? Like, out of nowhere at the oddest time? It happened to me this week and it really took me off guard. I have experienced anxiety and full-blown panic attacks over […]

Stay Sassy, by Sassy Auburn. It’s nice to finish up any journaling in a timely fashion. Because nothing big happened this week, that’s a huge “Yay!” for me. I can now sit on the couch with the remote, drink my matcha latte, watch game shows and daydream about the pizza that will be delivered at […]

Stay Sassy – by Sassy Auburn. Hey, I was hoping that when I was told that journaling could help with my daily/weekly tensions, I would “HA HA!” that shit till the cows came home. (Ever wonder where they went? Sorry, random thought.). I’d be able to say that it did absolutely nothing for me, brush […]

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